Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (23—29 April 2017)




DTM Pakistan,
Fecha de instantánea
Apr 29 2017
May 31 2018
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM Pakistan’s Weekly Situation Report on the Return of Undocumented Afghans through the Torkham border during the reporting period of 23rd  – 29th April 2017.

  • During the week of 23rd  – 29th April 2017, a total of 4,633 undocumented Afghans returned from Pakistan through the Torkham border, approximately 19 % decrease in the return caseload compare with the previous reporting period, bringing the total undocumented Afghan returning through the Torkham border to Afghanistan from Pakistan since the beginning of the year to 29,278
  • Age and gender disaggregated data consistently shows that amongst the undocumented returnees under 18 remains the largest group. During this reporting period approximately 32% females are under 18 while approximately 31% males are under 18, bringing the total of under 18 to 63%.
  • The top 5 provinces for returns are as follows: 45% of people returned to Nangarhar, 33% to Kabul, 4% to Paktia, 4% to Kunduz, and 3% to Kunar,
  • During the reporting period, lack of documentation remains the most commonly cited (91%) push factor, an 11% increase from the previous week whereas none of the respondents cited “afraid of being deported” as reason to return this reporting period.
  • As compared to the previous week, there is a 2% increase in the proportion of respondents citing “improvement in security situation” as a pull factor. During the last four weeks the trend has remained somewhat consistent with  6-8% of the interviewees providing this response.
  • All families surveyed at the Torkham border crossing reported that they tried to carry as much asset back to Afghanistan as possible. Around 52% families were travelling with productive assets including agricultural tool/seeds, rickshaw, sewing machines, while a large number (80%) families reported that they are also taking liquid asset/cash back to Afghanistan.
  • Over 43% families were travelling in rented trucks, 30% in buses and 27% in rented pick up.