East and the Horn of Africa


DTM East and the Horn of Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring — (12 - 18 July)

In Week 29, from 12 to 18 July 2020, a total of 3,554 movements were observed at various flow monitoring points (FMP) across Somalia, of which 66 per cent were incoming flows and 34 per cent were outgoing flows.

Djibouti — Stranded Migrants (16 July 2020)

Following the border closure in Ethiopia and due to the stricter border management policies in Yemen, some of the migrants who were transiting through Djibouti on their way to or from the Arabian Peninsula found themselves stranded in the country.

Djibouti — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (June 2020)

During the month of June 2020, 2,751 movements were observed at flow monitoring points in Djibouti, which is a decrease of 4% daily average movements in comparison of the 3,730 migrants observed in May. 

Djibouti — Présence des migrants bloqués (16 Juillet 2020)

Suite à la fermeture des frontières en Éthiopie et aux renforcements des contrôles frontaliers au Yémen, certains des migrants qui transitaient par Djibouti en partance ou de retour de la Péninsule Arabique se sont retrouvés bloqués à Djibouti.

Djibouti — Rapport sur les Points de suivi des flux (Juin 2020)

Pendant le mois de juin 2020, 2 751 mouvements ont été observés aux points de suivi des flux de population à Djibouti. Cela représente une baisse de 4% de la moyenne journalière par rapport aux 3 730 mouvements de migrants observés pendant le mois de mai.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring — (05 - 11 July)

In Week 28, from 05 to 11 July 2020, a total of 3,024 movements were observed at various flow monitoring points (FMP) across Somalia, of which 71 per cent were incoming flows and 29 per cent were outgoing flows.

South Sudan — Population Movement Analysis for the World Bank ECRLG Project (December 2019)

The Government of South Sudan requested World Bank support for a project that improves local services, strengthens local governance, and increases social cohesion.

Impact Of COVID-19 Movement Restrictions On Migrants Along The Eastern Corridor 4 (as of 30 June 2020)

The COVID-19 outbreak has restricted global mobility, whilst heightening the risk of exploitation to vulnerable populations.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (May 2020)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan (SSD) and at its borders.

Uganda — Flow Monitoring Dashboard: Uganda/South Sudan Border (May 2020)

Over the reporting period, a total of 7,738 movements were observed at four (4) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) at the Ugandan border with South Sudan; this represents an increase of 46% in terms of average daily movements as compared to the previous month.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (June 2020)

In June 2020, a total of 15,066 movements were observed at Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs). This represents a decrease of 41% in comparison with June 2019, when 25,582 movements were observed.

South Sudan — COVID-19 Mobility Update 12 (15-28 June 2020)

By 28 June 2020, South Sudan recorded 1,989 cumulative COVID-19 confirmed cases, and 36 deaths. The overall number of tests conducted stands at 10,529.   A number of efforts are underway to improve South Sudan’s ability to cope with the pandemic.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring — (28 June - 04 July)

In Week 27, from 28 June to 04 July 2020, a total of 3,614 movements were observed at various flow monitoring points (FMP) across Somalia, of which 68 per cent were incoming flows and 32 per cent were outgoing flows.

South Sudan — Quarterly Update (January—March 2020)

The report provides an overview of DTM activities throughout the first quarter of 2020. 

Djibouti — Présence des migrants bloqués (2 Juillet 2020)

Suite à la fermeture des frontières en Ethiopie et aux renforcements des contrôles frontaliers au Yémen, certains des migrants qui transitaient par Djibouti en partance ou de retour de la Péninsule Arabique se sont retrouvés bloqués à Djibouti.

Burundi — Flow Monitoring Dashboard: Burundi/DRC Border (May 2020)

This Dashboard provides an analysis of the trends in population mobility observed at nine (9) flow monitoring points (FMPs), including seven (7) new FMPs established at unofficial border crossings between Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo at Ruhwa, Rubenga, Kaburantwa Tr6, Kagazi T

Djibouti — Stranded Migrants (2 July 2020)

Following the border closure in Ethiopia and due to the stricter border management policies in Yemen, some of the migrants who were transiting through Djibouti on their way to or from the Arabian Peninsula found themselves stranded in the country.

Burundi — Tableau De Bord Du Suivi Des Flux : Frontière Burundi-RDC (Mai 2020)

Ce Tableau de Bord offre une analyse des tendances de mobilité des populations observées au niveau de neuf (9) points de suivi des flux dont sept (7) nouveaux points non-officiels établis à la frontière entre le Burundi et la République Démocratique du Congo à Ruhwa, Rubenga, Kaburantwa Tr6, Kaga

Burundi — Tableau De Bord Du Suivi Des Flux : Frontière Burundi-Tanzanie (Mai 2020)

Ce tableau de Bord fournit une analyse des tendances de la mobilité des populations observées au niveau de cinq (5) points de suivi des flux actifs établis entre la frontière du Burundi et de la République Unie de Tanzanie à Rusumo, Kwa Rutuku, Mbundi, Kabuyenge et Mukambati.

Burundi — Flow Monitoring Dashboard: Burundi/Tanzania Border (May 2020)

This Dashboard provides an analysis of the trends in population mobility observed at five (5) active flow monitoring points (FMPs) established between the Burundi and United Republic of Tanzania border at Rusumo, Kwa Rutuku, Mbundi, Kabuyenge and Mukambati.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (21-27 June 2020)

In Week 26, from 21 to 27 June 2020, a total of 3,804 movements were observed at various flow monitoring points (FMP) across Somalia, of which 67 per cent were incoming flows and 33 per cent were outgoing flows.

South Sudan — COVID-19 Mobility Update 11 (1-14 June 2020)

DTM tracked 75 locations including 19 displacement sites and 56 transportation hubs within the country and along international borders to report on COVID-19 related measures such as temperature screening and the availability of handwashing stations.Of 19 displacement sites all were subjected to some

Djibouti — Stranded Migrants (25 June 2020)

Following the border closure in Ethiopia and due to the stricter border management policies in Yemen, some of the migrants who were transiting through Djibouti on their way to or from the Arabian Peninsula found themselves stranded in the country.

Djibouti — Présence Des Migrants (25 Juin 2020)

Suite à la fermeture des frontières en Ethiopie et aux renforcements des contrôles frontaliers au Yémen, certains des migrants qui transitaient par Djibouti en partance ou de retour de la Péninsule Arabique se sont retrouvés bloqués à Djibouti.

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