Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
Tajikistan – Tajikistan Return Migrant Survey (Round 3)

DTM REMAP Support Team (dtmremapsupport@iom.int); MTM Tajikistan (mtmTajikistan@iom.int)
Fecha de instantánea
Jun 26 2024
Aug 25 2024
- Survey
- Baseline Assessment
MTM implements the Return Migrants Survey in Tajikistan with international return migrants in 12 districts and cities in all 5 regions of Tajikistan. The selection of survey locations was informed by the findings of MTM’s Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA). The survey questionnaire drew upon IOM's previous studies in Central Asia and consultations with both internal and external experts. It covered a range of topics including socio-economic profiles, migration experiences, employment status, remittances, as well as identifying needs and vulnerabilities.
In the third round of the survey (conducted from June to August 2024), 2,186 return migrants were interviewed. The key findings reveal significant insights into their circumstances. The majority of return migrants, 97 per cent, came from the Russian Federation. Moreover, 44 per cent of the respondents reported having attained an upper secondary education level, while 63 per cent of the respondents identified themselves as the primary breadwinners for their families. The majority, 45 per cent of the return migrants, were previously engaged in the construction sector. Moreover, a notable portion, 53 per cent, stated circular movement between country of return and Tajikistan.