Somalia — Kismayo Movement Trend Tracking Report (22—28 June 2018)




DTM Somalia,
Fecha de instantánea
Jun 22 2018
Jun 28 2018
  • Flow Monitoring

This week marks the highest entries (270) for the last 10 weeks and most exits (81) ever recorded since MTT began collecting data in Kismayo. The high number of entries can be attributed to the SNA and Al‐Shabaab forces confrontation in Lower Juba and parts of Middle Jubba and the high exits can be attributed to the Preparation for harvesting the seasonal farms. The majority of the new arrivals cited Food scarcity (49%), Insecurity (33%), health (16%) and education (6%) as their reasons for displacement. This week, the new arrivals came from Kismayo District (43%), Buale (18%), Jamaame (12%), Badhaadhe (10%) and Jilib (8%). These new arrivals were heading to IDP sites in the Galbet Section (41%), Dalxiska section (31%), Central Section (14%), Fanole section (12%) and a few other locations. Out of the 19 families exiting the IDP sites, 11 of them were leaving sites in the Dalxiska Section, 7 left GalbetSection and 1 left Fanole section. After leaving the sites, these IDPs indicated that they were heading to the districts of Buale (37%) the reminder heading to Jilib (21%), Kismayo (21%), Jamaame (11%) and Badhaadhe (11%). The majority of exits said their main reason for return was management of farms (79%) in order to prepare harvest and cultivate their seasonal farms as the Gu raining season is coming to end while the remainder said their reasons for exit was rejoining family. 84% of the exits said they are intending to return back to the IDP sites in the future.