DTM Sudan Weekly Displacement Snapshot 19


Conjunto de datos públicos REQUEST ACCESS


DTM Sudan, DTMSudan@iom.int
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Fecha de instantánea
Jan 26 2024 -
Feb 02 2024
  • DTM Sudan estimates that 6,144,363 (1,224,269 Households) were recently internally displaced.
  • The IDP caseload was observed in 6,594 locations across all of Sudan’s 18 states. 
  • The highest proportions of IDPs were observed across South Darfur (12%), River Nile (11%), East Darfur (11%), White Nile (8%), North Darfur (8%), Northern (7%), and Sennar (7%). 
  • Field teams reported that the IDPs observed were originally displaced from twelve states. The majority (3,522,784 IDPs, 57%) were reportedly displaced from Khartoum state; followed by South Darfur (15%), North Darfur (8%),  Aj Jazirah (7%), Central Darfur (4%), West Darfur (3%), East Darfur (1%), South Kordofan (1%), West Kordofan (<1%), North Kordofan (<1%), Sennar (<1%), and White Nile (<1%). 
  • IOM-DTM also reported that an estimated 1,780,295 mixed cross-border movements were made into neighbouring countries.
  • This product provides brief insights into those displaced in Sudan post-15 April 2023. For more granular information on the IDP caseload and the displacement context, please see IOM-DTM's Monthly Displacement Overview (05).
A more detailed version of this dataset is available, to get access kindly click on the 'Request Access' button
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Survey Methodology

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Key Informant


Geographical Scope Partial Coverage

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries