Emergency Event Tracking Report Gereida, South Darfur 002




DTM Sudan; dtmsudan@iom.int
Snapshot Date
Feb 01 2021
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

DTM teams activated Emergency Event Tracking (EET) to monitor the displacement of individuals affected by inter-communal conflict between Falata and Arab tribes in Gereida locality, South Darfur. Tensions erupted in and around Tuel village on 18 January 2021, following a violent assault that occurred the day prior. The second update estimates a total number of 9,496 individuals (1,515 households) displaced across Tuel, Dereige, Tulus, Dika and Dagama villages, and seeking shelter in schools, with host communities as well as gathering in open areas (new caseloads have been identified in Dagama and Dika). Since the first EET, there has been a 51 per cent decrease in the number of individuals displaced due to approximately 1,790 households having now returned to their locations of origin. All individuals are Sudanese nationals. At least 240 individuals of the remaining caseload have additional vulnerabilities in need of assistance and support. Reports still indicate that 61 individuals have been killed and 56 sustained injuries, whilst at least 1,468 internally displaced persons (IDPs) have lost personal belongings and livestock. Based on a ranking scale, the three main priority needs remain non-food items, food and emergency shelter.