Somalia — COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Assessment in IDP Sites - Round 2




DTM Somalia,
Fecha de instantánea
Sep 17 2020
Sep 07 2020
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Site Assessment

In May 2020, CCCM Cluster partners carried out a Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) assessment aimed at gaining insights into communities' understanding of COVID-19, their ability to prevent and respond to the virus and preferred or most utilized channels for receiving critical COVID-19 messages. The results of this assessment were influential in reshaping RCCE campaigns. Additionally, the assessment provided an important baseline illustrating degrees of COVID-19 knowledge in internally displaced persons (IDP) communities and humanitarian stakeholders' RCCE efforts.

The objective of the second round of the CCCM RCCE assessment was to gauge progress in COVID-19 knowledge and behavorial change that has taken place since the first round of assessment in May, in addition to identifying areas for improvement. In an ever evolving COVID-19 climate, the assessment strives to demonstrate how IDP communities are coping with current COVID-19 restrictions and how humanitarian partners can support in the process. 

In total, the assessment was able to capture RCCE data from 2,025 participants in eight districts highlighting that while there has been an increase in knowledge regarding COVID-19 prevention and response, there are still opportunities to enrich information sharing activities at site-level.