Iraq — Displacement Report 12 (January 2015)




DTM Iraq,
Fecha de instantánea
Dec 25 2014
Jan 15 2015
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Through this reporting period, the DTM has tracked and identified an overall increase of 8,904 displaced families (an estimated 53,424 individuals). This is an increase of 2.5% from the displaced population figure reported on 25 December. Due to the continuing conflict occurring in Diyala governorate, the DTM captured an increase of 5,189 families that were displaced since the end of December. Just fewer than 1 million individuals have been displaced from Ninewa governorate. A number of returns have been observed to areas in the north of Ninewa, particular in the area of Zummar. IOM is currently exploring the feasibility and adaptability of DTM methodology to effectively track and monitor IDP returns, whether they are returning to their original location or to other shelter arrangements within their area of origin. A revised DTM methodology was launched at the beginning of January. Preliminary analysis representing 14.6% of the total displaced populations found that indicated priority needs, ranked by urgency, were financial aid/access to income as the most critical need, followed by shelter and housing, food and NFIs.From the beginning of January 2014 through 15 January 2015, the DTM identified 2,176,764 internally dis-placed individuals (362,794 families) dispersed across 2,282 distinct locations in Iraq. Considering the available information and DTM methodology, the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) maintains 2.2 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) as the baseline figure for planning humanitarian response.