East and the Horn of Africa


DTM East and the Horn of Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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Burundi – Internal Displacement Dashboard (August 2020)

The DTM has identified 131,336 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 28,333 households, 83% of the displacement were due to natural disasters and 17% other reasons in the month of August 2020 covering all 18 provinces of Burundi.

Burundi –Tableau de bord des déplacements internes (Août 2020)

La DTM a identifié 131 336 personnes déplacées internes (PDI) réparties dans 28 333 ménages déplacés, 83% des déplacements étaient dus à des catastrophes naturelles et 17% à d'autres raisons. 

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (13 — 19 September 2020)

In Week 38, from 13 September to 19 September 2020, a total of 3,821 movements were observed at various flow monitoring points (FMP) across Somalia, of which 67 per cent were incoming flows and 33 per cent were outgoing flows.

East And Horn of Africa — Monthly Regional Snapshot (July 2020)

As of July 2020, DTM in the region tracked 6.3M Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and 2.9M Returnees, as reported during the latest round of DTM assessments for each country, or through secondary data sources.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (6 — 12 September 2020)

In Week 37, from 6 September to 12 September 2020, a total of 3,209 movements were observed at various flow monitoring points (FMP) across Somalia, of which 65 per cent were incoming flows and 35 per cent were outgoing flows.

Djibouti — Stranded Migrants (6 September 2020)

Following the border closure in Ethiopia and due to the stricter border management policies in Yemen, some of the migrants who were transiting through Djibouti on their way to or from the Arabian Peninsula found themselves stranded in the country.

Djibouti — Présence des migrants bloqués (6 Septembre 2020)

Suite à la fermeture des frontières en Ethiopie et aux renforcements des contrôles frontaliers au Yémen, certains des migrants qui transitaient par Djibouti en partance ou de retour de la Péninsule Arabique se sont retrouvés bloqués à Djibouti.

Ethiopia — National Displacement Report 5 (June — July 2020)

In order to capture the displacement and return dynamics in Ethiopia, DTM Ethiopia's National Displacement Report combines findings from its Site Assessment (SA) in Section 1 and findings from the Village Assessment Survey (VAS) in Section 2.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (August 2020)

In August 2020, a total of 15,348 movements were observed at Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs). This represents a decrease of 49% in comparison with August 2019 when 29,878 movements were observed.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (30 August — 5 September 2020)

In Week 36, from 30 August to 5 September 2020, a total of 3,455 movements were observed at various flow monitoring points (FMP) across Somalia, of which 66 per cent were incoming flows and 34 per cent were outgoing flows.

South Sudan — COVID-19 Mobility Update 14 (13-26 July 2020)

As of 26 July 2020, the Public Health Laboratory and the UN Clinic have tested 13,423 samples.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Unity State Flooding Event Tracking (August 2020)

Severe flooding caused by heavy rainfall in Unity State caused temporary displacement and disruption in service provision to more than 4,702 individuals (608 households).

South Sudan — Wau PoC AA And Masna Collective Centre Population Count (July 2020)

In July 2020, the monthly population count was conducted at Masna collective centre where 5,496 individuals were identified and Wau PoC AA with 9,393 individuals. The population of Wau PoC AA marginally decreased from 9,990 individuals in June 2020 (decreased by 597 individuals).

DTM South Sudan — COVID-19 Mobility Update 15 (27 July - 9 August 2020)

As of 7 August 2020, the cumulative total of confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Sudan stands at 2,472 with 47 deaths and 1,252 recoveries according to the Republic of South Sudan’s Ministry of Health.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Central Equatoria State (August 2020)

On 20 and 21 August 2020, clashes between NAS and SSPSF forces in Juba and Lainya Counties led to the displacement of people living in the surrounding areas.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Renk County, Upper Nile State (August 2020)

Renk County of Upper Nile State recorded heavy and persistent rainfall throughout late July and early August 2020.In addition to the rain, the co

South Sudan — COVID-19 Mobility Update 15 (27 July - 9 August 2020)

As of 7 August 2020, the cumulative total of confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Sudan stands at 2,472 with 47 deaths and 1,252 recoveries according to the Republic of South Sudan’s Ministry of Health.

Burundi — Flow Monitoring Dashboard: Burundi/Tanzania Border (July 2020)

This Dashboard provides an analysis of the trends in population mobility observed at six (6) active flow monitoring points (FMPs) established between the Burundi and United Republic of Tanzania border at Rusumo, Kwa Rutuku, Mbundi, Kabuyenge, Mukambati and Nashaza.

Burundi — Tableau De Bord Du Suivi Des Flux: Frontière Burundi-RDC (Juillet 2020)

Ce tableau de bord offre une analyse des tendances de mobilité des populations observées au niveau de cinq (5) points de suivi des flux non-officiels établis à la frontière entre le Burundi et la République Démocratique du Congo à Kagazi Tr4, Kagazi Tr6, Kigazura, Ndava Tr6 et Rukana Tr1.

Burundi — Tableau De Bord Du Suivi Des Flux : Frontière Burundi-Tanzanie (Juillet 2020)

Ce tableau de bord fournit une analyse des tendances de la mobilité des populations observées au niveau de six (6) points de suivi des flux actifs établis entre la frontière du Burundi et de la République Unie de Tanzanie à Rusumo, Kwa Rutuku, Mbundi, Kabuyenge, Mukambati et Nashaza. 

Burundi — Tableau De Bord Du Suivi Des Flux: Frontière Burundi-RDC (Juillet 2020)

Ce tableau de bord offre une analyse des tendances de mobilité des populations observées au niveau de cinq (5) points de suivi des flux non-officiels établis à la frontière entre le Burundi et la République Démocratique du Congo à Kagazi Tr4, Kagazi Tr6, Kigazura, Ndava Tr6 et Rukana Tr1.

Burundi — Flow Monitoring Dashboard: Burundi/DRC Border (July 2020)

This Dashboard provides an analysis of the trends in population mobility observed at five (5) flow monitoring points (FMPs) established at unofficial border crossings between Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo at Kagazi Tr4, Kagazi Tr6, Kigazura, Ndava Tr6 and Rukana Tr1.

East and Horn of Africa — COVID-19 Regional Overview On Mobility Restrictions (as of 20 August 2020)

The current outbreak of COVID-19 has affected global mobility in the form of various travel disruptions and restrictions.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (23- 29 August 2020)

In Week 35, from 23 to 29 August 2020, a total of 3,595 movements were observed at various flow monitoring points (FMP) across Somalia, of which 72 per cent were incoming flows and 28 per cent were outgoing flows.

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