Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea


Desplazados internos rastreados

Movimientos de desplazamiento

IDMC 2023

Ronda de recopilación de datos

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Tendencia de la población de desplazados internos

  • División administrativa con número disponible de personas desplazadas
  • Sitio evaluado por DTM
  • Data not available

Lance Bonneau
Chief of Mission

Current Donors
  • CERF
Impacto en la movilidad debido a COVID-19 en Papua New Guinea

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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Papua New Guinea — Drought Resilience Building and Documentation of IDPs (31 December 2016)

During the reporting period IOM enhanced the recovery of health services through the provision of sustainable water supply at health facilities in Enga, Jiwaka and Simbu Provinces. IOM also built a gravity-fed water supply system providing clean water to 1,200 households in Morobe Province.

Papua New Guinea — Internal Displacement Map (November 2016)

This map is an annex to the report entitled “Internal displacements induced by natural and man-made hazards in Papua New Guinea (November 2016)”. It displays type and magnitude of displacement across Papua New Guinea as of November 2016. 

Papua New Guinea — Internal Displacement Overview (November 2016)

Throughout the last decade, Papua New Guinea (PNG) has experienced internal displacements arising in the context of natural and human induced hazards that includes the Manam volcano and tribal conflicts respectively.

Papua New Guinea — Internal Displacement Report 1 (October 2016)

Displacement in Papua New Guinea (PNG) occurs largely as a result of tribal fights due to land, natural disasters and or the economic situation of families. With at least 40 incidences of emergencies and disasters having been recorded in PNG between 2013 and 2016, such incidences contributed

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