South Sudan — COVID-19 - Inflows From Affected Areas in Neighbouring Countries (April 2020)




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Atlas Map
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Mon, 06/08/2020 - 17:22

IOM DTM, UNHCR and REACH combined their flow monitoring data for South Sudan with geographically disaggreagated data about COVID-19 cases in neighbouring countries compiled by UNICEF, with the aim of mapping population inflows at risk of COVID-19 transmission. Data on individuals travelling from areas with COVID-19 cases includes both those entering from neighbouring countries as well as internal movements within South Sudan. The reported volume of individuals entering South Sudan from neighboring countries has decreased considerably in April compared to March due to several factors:

  • a reduction of population flows due to regional COVID-19 preventative measures
  • a reduction of flow monitoring points
  • more precise geographic data on areas with confirmed COVID-19 cases

Data reflects the situation as of 30 April.