South Sudan — Bentiu and Rubkona: Arrivals from Khartoum (April-September 2019)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Fecha de instantánea
Apr 01 2019
Sep 30 2019
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Event Tracking
  • Site Assessment

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been monitoring arrivals from Khartoum to Rubkona bus station since April 2019 through headcounts of new arrivals. In the last report covering April to June 2019 DTM reported the arrival of 13,820 individuals from Khartoum at Rubkona bus station. Since then (up to 5 September 2019), an additional 13,282 were accounted for bringing the total number of arrivals from Sudan to 27,102 since 15 April 2019.

The headcount overview is supplemented by flow monitoring data to give a broader picture of Sudan to South Sudan (SDN-SSD) migration. Flow monitoring data suggests that whilst many have returned from displacement on buses from Khartoum reaching Bentiu and Rubkona, not all are returning to their habitual residences with many heading to Bentiu Protection of Civilian (PoC) site. Furthermore, a large proportion reported leaving Sudan due to various effects of the tensions there affecting livelihoods and food security, notably in East Darfur.