South Sudan — Event Tracking: Report #62 - Flood Displacements (16-31 August 2024)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Fecha de instantánea
Aug 16 2024
Aug 31 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

South Sudan is currently facing a complex humanitarian crisis characterized by extensive internal displacement. This situation is driven by a variety of factors, including communal conflicts, land disputes, insecurity, violence, natural disasters, and cross-border movements. Each of these elements contributes to ongoing instability and increased vulnerabilities experienced by the population. Between 16 and 31 August 2024, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) recorded significant displacement events affecting a total of 76,233 individuals. The majority of these displacements occurred in Upper Nile state, where 39,736 individuals were affected in Renk County. Additionally, Jonglei state experienced the displacement of 10,816 individuals in Fangak and Pochalla counties, while Northern Bahr el Ghazal recorded 8,160 displaced persons in Aweil West and Aweil North counties. Information from key informants revealed that these displacements were primarily due to disasters associated with flooding. The consequences of these displacements have led to an urgent need for humanitarian assistance among the affected populations. Those who have been displaced have identified their most pressing requirements as food, non-food items, and shelter. These priorities underscore the critical need for immediate humanitarian intervention to address the basic survival needs of those impacted by this crisis.