DTM Yemen - Flow Monitoring Datasets - August 2024


Conjunto de datos públicos


  • Flow Monitoring
Fecha de instantánea
Aug 01 2024 -
Aug 31 2024

In August 2024, the IOM Yemen DTM tracked 1,631 migrants entering Yemen, a 21 per cent increase from the total figure reported in the previous month (1,345 migrants). All migrants (100%) left from Bari Region in Somalia.
Among the total migrants recorded, 16 per cent were children, 24 per cent were women, and 60 per cent were men.

Typically, Lahj serves as an entry point for migrants departing through Djibouti whereas Shabwah serves as an entry point for migrants departing through Somalia. During this reporting period, all recorded departed from Somalia to the coastal area of Shabwah Governorate. During the same period, no migrants departing from Djibouti to Lahj were tracked by IOM, likely due to measures taken by the government to combat smuggling. Since those measures were implemented, starting August 2023, the flow of migrants along this route has been nearly absent in the months that followed, with one exception in December 2023 when a boat brought 110 migrants to shore.

The DTM team identified 4,113 Yemeni returnees in August 2024, a one per cent decrease compared to the number of returnees in July (4,172 individuals). Additionally, the team recorded a total of 143 migrants that were deported from Oman back to Deifen Point in Shahan district of Al Maharah Governorate, Yemen. All deported migrants were Ethiopian nationals.

While the worsening humanitarian crisis in Yemen has compelled some migrants to make the difficult decision to return to their home countries in the Horn of Africa, others have reportedly been returned by government authorities. In August 2024, DTM recorded a total of 971 migrants leaving Yemen either voluntarily or returned by boat from Yemen. This group was composed of 89 per cent men, nine per cent women, and two per cent children.

Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Admin Area 2


Type of Survey or Assessment

Key Informant



Geographical Scope Partial Coverage

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries