Nigeria — Flow Monitoring Dashboard 15 (May 2018)




DTM Nigeria,
Fecha de instantánea
May 01 2018
May 31 2018
  • Flow Monitoring

In Nigeria,  Flow Monitoring Points were established since March 2017 in several important transit locations in Sokoto and Kano; daily movements of passenger buses to and from Niger is observed at these points daily. This dashboard is an overview of the data collected in these Flow  Monitoring Points in May 2018.

For Sokoto, Results show that the daily average number of individuals observed at the Flow Monitoring Point of Sokoto decreased by five percent compared to  April. In May, Tahoua and Maradi were the main cities of departure of population passing through Sokoto,  whereas Tahoua, Maradi, Dosso, Agadez, Zinder and Diffa were the main cities of the destination of observed flows. The main types of flows identified were: Economic migration more than six months (40% of all flows), Short-term local movement less than six months (32% of all flows), seasonal (27% of all flows) and Tourism (1% of all flows).

For Kano, Results show that the daily average number of individuals observed at the Flow Monitoring Points of Kano remained the same compared to April. In May, Zinder, Maradi, Diffa, Centre and Ndjamena were the main cities of departure of population passing through Kano, whereas Zinder,  Maradi, Agadez, Diffa, Ndjamena and Centre were the main cities of destination of observed flows. The main types of flows identified are: Economic migration more than six months (57% of all flows), Seasonal (33% of all flows), Short-term local movement less than six months  (9% of all flows), and Tourism (1% of all flows).