Niger — Flow Monitoring Report (May 2018)




DTM Niger,
Fecha de instantánea
May 01 2018
May 31 2018
  • Flow Monitoring

The International Organization for Migration – IOM works with national and local authorities also local partners to identify and understand migration movements in West and Central Africa. Flow monitoring Point (FMP) is an activity that quantifies and qualifies flows, migrant profiles, trends and migration routes at a given point of entry, transit or exit. Since February 2016, IOM Niger has been monitoring migration flows at two points in the Agadez region of Niger in Arlit and Séguédine.

The daily average of the number of individuals observed at the two Niger flow monitoring points increased by 40% compared to April. During this month, Agadez, Sebha, Arlit, Arlit, Assamaka, Tamanrasset and Nguezzam were the main departure cities of flows transiting through Niger's two FMPs, while Arlit, Agadez, Sebha, Assamaka and Algiers were the main destination cities. The number of individuals in the outgoing flow has known four important peaks during the month. Individuals transiting through the FMPs travelled mainly by car (74%), as well as by truck (12%), by bus (10%), or by other means of transportation, including motorcycle by foot or by camel (3%). Nigeriens, Malians and Guineans were the main nationalities observed during this month. In total, 6 infants under the age of 5 years, 35 elderly persons, 23 persons living with a physical disability, and 8 pregnant women were observed.