Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
Somalia - Baseline Assessment - Summary report - Round 2 (February 2023 - January 2024)

DTM Somalia, IOMSomaliaDTM@iom.int
Fecha de instantánea
Feb 01 2023
Jan 31 2024
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
Baseline 2, an area-based assessment, is the second step of Mobility Tracking implemented at settlement level and aims to quantify presence of population categories.
As of January 2024, DTM Somalia has mapped around 3,451,434 IDPs, 155,710 returnees and 9,052,583 residents across 17 regions and 10,999 assessed locations. IDPs were present in 45 per cent of locations assessed (4,611 locations) and returnees were present in eleven per cent of assessed locations (1,204 locations)
The results include regions of origins, reasons for displacement and accessibility information, as well as the Operational Zones (OPZ) established by OCHA. These zones are designed to support sub-district response and reporting efforts.