South Sudan — Bentiu IDP Camp Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (January-March 2023)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Fecha de instantánea
Jan 01 2023
Mar 31 2023
  • Flow Monitoring

This brief presents an overview on movement trends in to / out of Bentiu IDP camp between January and March 2023. The camp recorded 43,878 individuals through 10,379 interviews conducted. Temporary travel was the most common movement category, with an overall 22,745 individuals engaging in such movements. Tending to livelihood activities (48%) was the main cause of these temporary movements followed by visiting friends or family (18%) and checking on or repairing damaged property (9%). Same-day movements (19,768 individuals) were the second most recorded travel category. New arrivals were also recorded in the IDP camp, 30 per cent of whom entered to be with family, destroyed homes due to natural disasters (24%), hunger due to natural disasters (17%), access to health care (9%), and access to services (9%). Of the new arrivals, 47 per cent wish to spend more than six months in the IDP camp. Bentiu IDP camp captured 892 individuals permanently leaving the camp. These exits were motivated by the need to look for education opportunities (42%), joining family (24%), looking for better livelihood or work opportunities (17%), and improved living condition in destination (6%). Forty-two per cent of those who exited moved to former homes Guit, Rubkona, Fangak, Koch, and Juba counties.