Baseline Assessment — Ituri — Round 9


Conjunto de datos públicos


  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Fecha de instantánea
Feb 21 2023 -
Mar 28 2023
The Mobility Tracking databases published contain information collected from in-person and generally on-location interviews conducted with key informants (village and community leaders) as a group relating to the situation in their villages (evaluated villages are the units/rows, not localities) in DRC. Most of the information in published datasets pertains to demographics of internally displaced (and returned) populations, including their time of arrival in a village, their area of origin, and the reason for their movement. The public numbers relating to population movements indicate the number of IDPs and/or returnees present in the village at the time of the evaluation. The database is structured in order improve reporting timeliness and data quality, considering the complexity of population movements and the rapidly evolving nature of the displacement crisis in DRC, particularly at lower levels of analysis. Nevertheless, this means that we accept a certain level of imprecision as a trade-off, for example in regard to the exact demographic breakdown of IDPs arrived in a village in a given quarter, where others arrived a different quarter of the same year.   As a rule, DTM collects information on movements for the prior 36-month (12 to 13 quarter) window, as this is the maximum period for which we believe we can collect reliable data. However, it is important to note that humanitarian coordination structures such as the "Commission de mouvements de population" (CMP), OCHA, and local authorities may define only a portion of those for which we collect data as internally displaced persons (“IDPs”) or IDP returnees at present, depending on the time of their last movement. The structure of our database is simplified such that number of households are reported by quarter arrived, whereas number of individuals are reported by year (or portion of the year) arrived. In a similar way, the demographic breakdown of males, females, and children under five is disaggregated only for the full evaluation period, rather than for each year or quarter, while children under five are not explicitly disaggregated by gender (we assume 50/50). Alongside collecting data on IDPs in host communities/families, we also collect data on spontaneous IDP sites. This data is kept separate from the main database and is less detailed, as it is meant to orient more targeted data collection exercises (i.e. needs assessments, registrations, etc.) in the future. Numbers on populations in IDP sites collected during mobility tracking should be taken as indicative, and not confused with household or individual level registrations.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries