Haiti — Emergency Tracking Tool 11 — Displacement at ONA-Ville (7 — 11 April 2023)




Fecha de instantánea
Apr 07 2023
Apr 11 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

The objective of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to collect information on large and sudden population movements as well as security and climatic emergencies. Information is collected through phone interviews with key informants and direct observation. This dashboard presents information on population displacement which occurred since 7 April 2023 in the ONA-Ville neighborhood located in the municipality of Thomazeau (West district), following armed attacks

This neighborhood, located in the 4eme Section des crochus in the municipality of Thomazeau (West district), has faced attacks of armed individuals as of 7 April 2023. In addition to loss of life, burning and looting of houses, these attacks have also caused the displacement of approximatively 1,226 individuals (279 households) who took refuge in many neighborhoods in different municipalities of the West district : Thomazeau (41% of displaced persons took refuge in locations of this municipality), Croix-des-Bouquets (27%), Tabarre (21%), Delmas (7%) and Cité Soleil (4%). A little over half of displaced persons are hosted in host communities (51%) while the remaining 49 per cent are hosted in 3 spontaneous sites including 2 newly ones created by this displacement wave (Ecole Lumane Casimir and Eglise Wesleynne) and one site which existed since 2022 (Place Cercine).