Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
Haïti — Dashboard on Displacement in the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Area — Round 3 (14 February — 16 March 2023)

DTM Haiti, DTMHaiti@iom.int
Fecha de instantánea
Feb 12 2023
Mar 16 2023
- Mobility Tracking
- Site Assessment
- Baseline Assessment
In recent years, widespread insecurity in the Port-Au-Prince Metropolitan Area (PAPMA) has led to the displacement of thousands of people. In order to regularly update authorities and other partners on the displacement situation in PAPMA and therefore inform response strategies for displaced persons and communities hosting them, the Haitian Directorate General for Civil Protection (DGPC) and the International Organization for Migration’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) launched in August 2022, periodic assessments of neighborhoods and sites hosting displaced populations. Data is collected through direct observations and interviews with key informants in the areas hosting displaced populations. Two updating exercises (rounds) have been conducted : Round 1 was conducted from June to August 2022, and Round 2 was conducted from October to November 2022.
This dashboard presents the key findings from the third updating exercise (Round 3), conducted between 14 February and 16 March 2023. Of the 429 neighborhoods in the PAPMA, 411 were assessed, representing a coverage of 96 percent. A total of 127,977 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) (28,415 households) were identified, of which 38 percent were living in spontaneous-sites and 62 percent in host communities. Compared to Round 2, overall, there was a decrease of 18 per cent in the number of IDPs, which can be explained by the fact that some IDPs have returned to their origins. Indeed, 45,864 returnees (former IDPs) were identified, of which 32 percent returned between the last quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2023