Haiti – Displacement Trends and Drivers in the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Area – Evidence from the Early Warning System (23 April - 25 November 2022)




Fecha de instantánea
Apr 23 2022
Nov 25 2022
  • Event Tracking

The Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, has experienced an increase in the intensity of violence linked to inter-gang, gang-police and social conflicts since mid-2021. This has resulted in widespread insecurity in the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Area and has been associated with large-scale urban displacement and an increase in humanitarian priority needs. This report presents the findings from nearly six months (1 May – 25 November 2022) of data collected by the International Organization for Migration (IOM)’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and the Haitian Directorate General for Civil Protection, which have launched an early warning system to gather data on displacement, humanitarian shocks and basic protection indicators on an ongoing basis. 

The early warning system recorded a total of 56,883 individual movement of internally displaced people and 42,439 individual arrivals throughout the assessment period. Key shocks experienced in the Haitian capital include generalized and targeted violence, the indirect effects of insecurity and flooding with peaks in violent shocks experienced in May and July and widespread insecurity  identified throughout September and October. The socioeconomic situation of the ZMPP has been characterised by persistent increases in the price of food and non food items and high proportions of the population being unable to afford basic necessities.