South Sudan — Naivasha IDP Camp Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (January-March 2022)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Fecha de instantánea
Jan 01 2022
Mar 31 2022
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) continued conducting Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (DSFM) at the gates of Naivasha IDP camp. During this period, 2,924 interviews were conducted representing 12,275 individual movements into / out of the camp. Surveyed day movements were predominantly undertaken by female travelers (76%) and saw an increase of 3 per cent in the first quarter of 2022. The main reasons for movement were tending to other livelihood activities (51%) and visiting friends / family (26%). Individuals who engaged in temporary movements increased from 14 to 34 individuals during this quarter and did so to mainly visit friends or family (44%) and attempt to return home (39%), with women and girls dominating these movements. Thirty-two per cent of travelers intend to spend at least one to seven days in their locations of destination. New arrivals saw an increase of 15 individuals. The majority moved into the camp due to hunger (44%) & insecurity caused by conflict (38%) in their departure locations. Forty-four per cent of the new arrivals intend to spend more than 6 months in the camp. Individuals who permanently exited the camp reduced by 48 per cent and were dominated by female travelers (62%). Most of those individuals permanently exiting the camp are headed to their former homes (45%) in Wau county.