Ethiopia — Flow Monitoring Dashboard 20 (May 2021)




DTM Ethiopia,
Fecha de instantánea
May 01 2021
May 31 2021
  • Flow Monitoring

n May 2021, a total of 20,585 movements were observed across Ethiopia’s five flow monitoring points (FMPs). Following the steady increase in movements this month, outgoing movements during May have continued to be significantly higher than ever (79.5%) than incoming movements (20.5%). The percentage of outgoing versus incoming movements have continued to climb above the proportions observed before the first COVID-19 case was confirmed in Ethiopia. 

A total of 16,365 outgoing movements were observed of which 8,222 (50.2%) were going towards Saudi Arabia, 2,382 (14.6%) travelling towards Kenya, 2,131 (13.0%) were going to Djibouti, 756 (4.6%) to South Africa, 586 (3.6%) to Somalia , 493 (3.0%) intended to reach United Arab Emirates and 378 (2.3%) headed to Yemen. At the same time 4,220 incoming movements were observed, of which 2,718 (64.4%) had originated from Sudan, while 700 (16.6%) and 471 (11.2%) came from Djibouti and Kenya respectively. Almost all of these were Ethiopian nationals who were likely returning home. The number of incoming movements into Ethiopia from Sudan has kept increasing since the outbreak of the Northern Ethiopia Crisis from 2,022 inflows movements in December 2020 to 2,718 inflows in May 2021.