Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (April 2021)
DTM Somalia, IOMSomaliaDTM@iom.int
Fecha de instantánea
Apr 01 2021
Apr 30 2021
- Flow Monitoring
In April 2021, a total of 20,405 movements were observed at Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs). This represents a decrease of 75% in comparison to April 2020, when 11,645 movements were oberved.
Doolow, Bossaso, Lowyacado, Dhobley, Cabudwaq and Buuhoodle FMPs recorded a decrease in movements between these two periods (248%, 102%, 87%, 60%, 50% and 5%, respectively). Harirad FMPs recorded an decrease in movements (-38%).
Contrary to April 2020, this month saw a majority of incoming flows (61%) against outgoing flows (39%). Doolow, Bossaso and Dhobley FMPs recorded the highest levels of incoming flows (26%, 20% and 14% respectively), while Doolow, Bossaso and Dhobley recorded the highest number of outgoing flows (43%, 23% and 12% respectively).