El Salvador-Baseline assesment of migration flows and mobility tracking within the context of COVID-19, #2 (Setember-November 2020)




Cecilia Ramirez cramirez@iom.int
El Salvador
Fecha de instantánea
Sep 01 2020
Nov 30 2020
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
  • Event Tracking

Due to the alarming levels of propagation and the serious nature of the COVID-19 virus, on 11 March 2020 the OMS declared a State of Pandemic. On 14 March, the Government of El Salvador decreed a national quarantine through the enactment of the Act for Temporary Restriction of Specific Constitutional Rights due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. In addition, a State of National Emergency, Public Calamity, and Natural Disaster was declared for the entire country due to the Pandemic.

During  September-November  quarter,  the  Government  of  El  Salvador  has  strengthened  the  public  health  network,  equipping  and  strengthening health centers, and creating a hospital to care for patients with the disease. Massive tests were carried out in diferent parts of the territory and cards were handed to the  SARS-CoV-2  recovered  patients.  As  of  November  30,  2020,  El  Salvador  counted  39,130 positive cases, there is no data on deaths.

At the same time, there is a total national economic reopening, since the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice declared Legislative Decree 661 constitutional, which contains the Special Emergency Law for the COVID-19 Pandemic, Comprehensive Life Care, Health and Reopening of the Economy. This decree aims to establish provisions for comprehensive life and health care in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the  establishment  of  measures  to  guarantee  the  right  to  work,  allowing  the  gradual  resumption of work, economic and administrative activities both in the public and private sectors, within the framework of respect for democratic institutions and human rights.

However, under government directive, it is necessary to continue with biosafety protocols, wearing masks, washing hands regularly, maintaining at least two meters of distance between people, sharing within the households with the cluster or social bubble of no more than 10 people  and  leave  only  when  strictly  necessary;  as  well  as  complying  with  the  biosecurity  protocols that are implemented both in the workplace and in any other spaces.

Regarding the opening of land and air borders, from September 21, 2020, all travelers who wish to enter El Salvador must present a negative SARS-CoV-2 PCR test upon arrival, this came  after  a  partial  closure,  from  last  March,  where  foreigners  were  prevented  from  entering,  due  to  the  pandemic.  The test  must  have  been  carried  out  a  maximum  of  72  hours before entering El Salvador.

In light of the situation caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the IOM seeks to determine: the impact of same on mobility in regular and irregular migratory flows; the needs of migrants; and the measures taken to prevent propagation of the virus along the borders of El Salvador.  This is the reason this study was carried out, in order to generate baselines for comprehending existing needs at the official and unofficial points of entry, in order to provide input to orient actions to be taken by protection organizations at the inter-agency level, local governments, cross-border panels, and IOM field personnel.