South Sudan — Malakal Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (July - September 2020)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Fecha de instantánea
Jul 01 2020
Sep 30 2020
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix continues to conduct Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (DSFM) in Malakal Protection of Civilian (PoC) site. During this reporting period (July to September 2020), 4,053 interviews were conducted at the site’s gate representing 5,683 individual journeys. Day movements mainly consisted of females (58%) moving out of the site to carry out farming activities. As for temporary travelers, movements into and outside of the site is characterized by individuals who intend to visit friends/family and highest number of responses indicated that they intended to stay for at least one to seven days. As per below graph, 32 per cent of new arrivals reported that they wanted to join their families at the site. Further survey findings indicate that out of the permanent exits, 60 per cent are female including women and girls who have permanently exited from the site to their former homes in Panyikang and Fangak Counties. On a separate note, 7 per cent of the permanent exits have moved to Kosti and Jabal Aulia in Sudan.