DTM Regional Overview— Countries Impacted by Hurricanes Eta and Iota in Latin America and the Caribbean (December 2020)




dtmsupport@iom.int; rosanjose@iom.int
Fecha de instantánea
Nov 01 2020
Dec 12 2020
  • Other

Between 1 and 18 November 2020, Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean and parts of South America were affected by two major natural hazards - Hurricane Eta, which reached the second highest hurricane classification of Category 4, followed by Hurricane Iota, which peaked at the highest classification of Category 5. Both hurricanes caused strong impacts in the region, particularly in 10 countries including Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica (and other Caribbean islands), Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama, affecting more than 7 million people as of 2 December 2020. Amongst these, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua are the most affected.


This IOM DTM report provides a regional overview of countries affected by this environmental emergency, derived from data collected and published by governments in the region, the United Nations (UN) and other intergovernmental entities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), media reports and country-level DTM exercises.