Burundi — Flow Monitoring Dashboard- Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Context (January 2020)




DTM Burundi, DTMBurundi@iom.int
Fecha de instantánea
Jan 03 2020
Jan 31 2020
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

This Dashboard provides an analysis of the trends in population mobility observed at four (4) flow monitoring points (FMPs) established between the Burundi and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) border at Ruhwa, Gatumba, Rubenga et Vugizo. Observations were made between 3 and 31 January 2020. Some movements were also observed between Rwanda and Burundi at Ruhwa FMP (triangular part), and the reason for most of these movements was the return to habitual residence for voluntary reasons. Over the reporting period, a total of 43,654 movements were observed at these points. About 51 per cent of all movement were outgoing and 49 per cent were incoming, with most of the movements travelling towards DRC, and most of the incoming movements were also originating in DRC. Only 3 movements, all females, were tracked originating in health zones with recent confirmed outbreaks of EVD - these were tracked through Ruhwa FMP, and reported Kenya as their intended final destination.