Nigeria — New Arrivals into MMC and Jere from Baga Flash Report (24 - 31 December 2018)




DTM Nigeria,
Fecha de instantánea
Dec 24 2018
Dec 31 2018
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking
From 24 - 31 December 2018, MMC and Jere LGAs recorded influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Baga in Kukawa LGA as a result of escalation in hostilities between the Armed Groups and Nigerian Army in the northeastern Nigerian State of Borno.
The new arrivals are in immediate need of humanitarian assistance, with many reportedly living without shelther and basic WASH facilities since arrival.

Overall an estimated 8,248 new IDPs have arrived so far mainly in MMC and Jere LGAs. In MMC LGA, Teacher’s Village Camp received 1,517 households or 5,824 individuals and 747 households or 1,779 individuals arrived at Baga Road Motor Park Camp. Madinatu Camp in Jere LGA received 217 households or 1,868 individuals displaced from Baga ward as of 31 December 2018 as a result of the increased insecurity.

Majority of the new arrivals cited Baga ward in Kukawa LGA as their place of origin before this latest displacement. The key trigger for the population movement was attributed to recent increase in attacks and fear of insecurity in the ward.