DRC — North Kivu: M23 Crisis Analysis (15 March 2024)




DTM DRC, iomdrcdtm@iom.int
Fecha de instantánea
Mar 01 2024
Mar 13 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

In the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), particularly in North Kivu, a prolonged and increasingly complex conflict persists, characterized by the presence of numerous armed actors such as the M23 group and the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC) and their respective allies. This situation has led to widespread instability and an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in North Kivu province. The ongoing hostilities have led to significant displacement of the local population, many of whom have been forced to flee their homes, further exacerbating an already dire situation. The conflict has created an urgent need for large-scale humanitarian aid, but the response remains inadequate to meet the immense needs due to a lack of resources and difficulties in delivering aid due to instability and dangerous conditions on the ground.

Since January 2024, the M23 group, supported by the Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC) group, has launched intensified attacks against positions belonging to the FARDC and their allies, resulting in the expansion of the M23 group's zone of influence through the capture of major towns and villages in the Rutshuru and Masisi territories. This escalation has led to a proliferation of armed individuals, bringing FARDC military positions closer to displacement sites near Goma, exacerbating, in addition to humanitarian needs, loss of life, injuries, growing criminal activity and massive displacement of vulnerable populations. The territories of Rutshuru and Masisi are currently suffering the most serious consequences of this conflict.

In early March 2024, renewed hostilities broke out in Rutshuru territory involving the Mutanda and Kihondo groups in the villages of Nyanzale, Kirima, Kikuku and Kibirizi, leading to the occupation of several villages including Kibirizi, Nyanzale, Kirima, Kikuku, Kihondo, Mutanda, Somikivu, Bwalanda/Mine, Kashalira, Kibingu, Kabanda, and Vitshumbi by the M23 armed group. Simultaneously, from March 7 to 9, clashes broke out in Masisi territory encompassing the Bashali Mokoto groupement, the village of Kashuga, Kalembe and adjacent areas, leading to a reinforcement of control in the territories surrounding Goma and further isolation of the city considered the capital of North Kivu.

Since the onset of the crisis, IOM, through the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) continues to conduct a series of rapid assessments, including Emergency Tracking (EET/ERM), Crisis Analysis and Registration with priority to address immediate information needs with a view to understanding displacement dynamics and needs.

This report presents the results of assessments carried out in the various displacement and return areas from March 1 to 13, 2024.