Ukraine — General Population Survey Round 14 — Snapshot report: Population Figures and Geographic Distribution (3–25 September 2023)




Fecha de instantánea
Sep 03 2023
Sep 25 2023
  • Survey

Since March 2022, following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been collecting data on internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, and the nondisplaced population through a nationwide survey. Starting with Round 13, the General Population Survey methodology was adjusted to provide oblast-level representative data, with 20,000 randomized interviews conducted in each round.

This snapshot report offers an initial overview of population figures and the geographic distribution of displaced and returnee populations as of September 25, 2023. In Round 14, population estimates were based on the new UNFPA population baseline for Ukraine (eq. 33M in August 2023), excluding the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, shown by a grey dotted line in Figure 1. R13 used the UNFPA baseline from May 2023 (41M), also excluding the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, marked by a yellow dotted line. Rounds 1-12 used a baseline population of 44M for IDPs, including the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. In Rounds 1-13, the returnee baseline was ≈30 million, considering the subtraction of the IDPs and people abroad (UNHCR). This change in the baseline scenario contributes to the adjustments of the est. total numbers of IDPs and returnees.