Regional Report – Central America, North America and the Caribbean (January – June 2023)




RO San José Regional Migration Data Hub;
Fecha de instantánea
Jan 01 2023
Jun 30 2023
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Central America, North America and the Caribbean is a region from which large migratory movements arise and flow. According to migration data from the government of Panama, between January and June 2023 at least 196,371 migrants entered Panama through the Darién route. During the same period in 2022, 49,452 people entered, representing an increase of 297 per cent.

From January to June 2023, primary data has been collected in nearly 100 locations in the Region with the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM). Figure 1 shows the different data collection locations and the type of DTM component applied. DTM is a system to collect and analyze primary data, to disseminate critical information on the mobility, vulnerabilities and needs of displaced and mobile populations to inform decision making and to provide context-specific assistance. As of June 2023, DTM reports were published by seven countries of the region through the implementation of different DTM components including mobility tracking of IDPs, flow monitoring surveys and registration of migrants, as well as surveys to people on the move and returnees.

This report aims to provide an overview of migratory movements in the region, the locations and months in which primary data were collected through DTM instruments, as well as an exploratory analysis of the sociodemographic profiles, needs and intentions of migrants interviewed as part of flow monitoring surveys, according to their nationality.