Ukraine — Snapshot report: Population Figures and Geographic Distribution — General Population Survey Round 13 (11 - 23 May)




Fecha de instantánea
May 11 2023
May 23 2023
  • Survey

Since March 2022, following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been collecting information on the location, demographics, situation, needs and mobility intentions of internally displaced people (IDPs), returnees and the non-displaced populations through a nationwide representative survey. In Round 13, the methodology of the General Population Survey has been adapted to produce data representative at a lower administrative level – the oblast, with 20,000 random respondents surveyed in each round.

This snapshot report provides an initial overview of population figures and geographic distribution of the displaced and returnee populations as of 23 May 2023, including top oblasts of origin for those who are currently internally displaced, as well as the place of last displacement for those who have returned, including from abroad. The full report, planned for the end of June 2023, will outline the situation and needs related to recovery and durable solutions to displacement in Ukraine, capturing findings from 6,000 follow up interviews with IDPs, returnees, and residents