South Sudan — Wau Masna Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (July-September 2021)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Fecha de instantánea
Jul 01 2021
Sep 30 2021
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) continued conducting Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (DSFM) at the gates of Wau Masna Collective Centre. In the third quarter of 2021, 2,462 interviews were conducted representing 4,248 individual movements in and out of the collective centre. Day movements saw a 26 per cent increase relative to the previous quarter. These movements were mainly driven by male travelers (62%), and the main reasons for travel were to tend to livelihood activities (29%) and to look for better health services (11%). Temporary movements saw a 12 per cent decrease compared to the previous quarter with the main reason being farming / fishing (48%). Ninty-three per cent of the individuals traveling temporarily intend to spend at least more than six months in / out of the collective centre. The third quarter recorded a significant decrease in new arrivals from 284 in the previous quarter to 7 individuals. Eighty-six per cent of the individuals who newly arrived in the collective centre moved because of hunger due to conflict, and 14 per cent due to insecurity related to conflict in their areas of departure. All individuals intend to spend more than six months at the centre. DTM did not encounter persons intending to permanently leave the collective centre this reporting period.