South Sudan — Bentiu IDP Camp Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (July-September 2021)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Fecha de instantánea
Jul 01 2021
Sep 30 2021
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) continued conducting Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (DSFM) at the gates of Bentiu IDP Camp. The third quarter (July – September) recorded 6,792 interviews accounting for 27,034 individuals moving into / out of the camp. Day movements increased this quarter by 8 per cent (from 9,332 to 10,106 individuals) and were dominated by women and girls (74%). Among all respondents, the main reason for day movements were to collect firewood (20%). Temporary movements were driven by individuals moving out of the camp to collect firewood (19%), visiting friends / family (18%) and attempting to return home (17%). The number of travelers has increased from 12,205 to 16,505 individuals (35% increase compared to the second quarter). Bentiu IDP Camp recorded a 27 per cent decrease in new arrivals most of whom arrived from Rubkona, Panyijar, Khartoum (Sudan) and Jabal Aulia (Sudan). Eighty-nine per cent of the new arrivals intend to spend more than six months in the camp. Permanent exits decreased drastically from 737 in the second quarter to 272 individuals during this quarter. Common reasons for these exits were to be with family (35%), to look for livelihood / work opportunities (16%), and due to improved living conditions at locations of destination (14%). Seventy-three per cent of the individuals who permanently exited the camp were destined to former homes in Rubkona and Guit counties.