South Sudan — Wau Naivasha Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (April-June 2021)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Fecha de instantánea
Apr 01 2021
Jun 30 2021
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) continued Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (DSFM) at the main entry and exit points of Naivasha IDP camp in Malakal. During the second quarter of 2021 (April – June), 2,034 interviews were conducted representing 8,242 individual movements in to and out of the camp. There has been a 13 per cent decrease in surveyed day movements in this quarter. Same day movements was mostly undertaken for livelihood activities (37%), to visit friends or family (25%), and to make purchases (8%). Most overnight (temporary) travel lasted no longer than a week and was mostly done to access healthcare services (55%) or to visit friends or family (40%). The number of surveyed new arrivals, most of whom intend to stay for more than six months, increased to 28 individuals compared to 6 in the previous quarter. Most of the new movements were as a reuslt of hunger because of conflict (32%), joining family (21%) and other reasons (18%). Surveyed permanent exits also decreased from 57 to 34 individuals, all of whom traveled because of improved circumstances in areas of return.