El Salvador-Baseline assesment of migration flows and mobility tracking within the context of COVID-19, Report #6 (May,2021)




Cecilia Ramirez cramirez@iom.int
El Salvador
Fecha de instantánea
May 01 2021
May 31 2021
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Event Tracking

In El Salvador, the sanitary provisions for the entry of persons into the national territory are maintained. According to the official web page of the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners (DGME)to enter El Salvador, persons must consider the following aspects: 

• Individuals who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 must submit a negative COVID-19 viral test result (PCR, NAAT or LAMP) issued a maximum of 72 hours prior to entry. 

• Individuals who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 must submit the original vaccination record certifying compliance with the complete doses of the vaccine. Individuals who have only received one of the two doses must submit a negative COVID-19 viral test result issued a maximum of 72 hours prior to arrival or entry. 

In addition, in the context of the situation at the borders, a space for migrant children has been created at the Las Chinamas border, aimed at strengthening national institutions for the care and protection of returned migrant children and adolescents. 

With the "Camino Protegido" program of Plan Internacional and Fundación Educo El Salvador, 200 hygiene, biosecurity, food, and menstrual hygiene kits were delivered to the Center for Comprehensive Attention to Migrants.   

Lastly, an activity to give identity documents to foreigners has begun with the main purpose of optimizing the migration control of Central American workers who transit the border areas for seasonal economic activities, and border security, in compliance with the Special Law on Migration and Foreigners. Specifically, these documents will facilitate the entry, stay, and exit of persons in a fast, regular, and safe manner.