Nigeria — North East Hong LGA — Adamawa State Flash Report (16 July 2021)




DTM Nigeria,
Fecha de instantánea
Jul 07 2021
Jul 14 2021
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking
Surging communal violence between ethnic and religious groups, and long-standing conflicts between farming communities and nomadic herders are prevalent across north-east Nigeria. These conflicts are predominantly centered on disputes over land and cause great insecurity and widespread displacement across the region.
On 07 July 2021, there was an attack by herdsmen in Dabna community of Garaha Ward in Hong LGA of Adamawa State which has continued to induce a large-scale displacement towards the neighboring LGAs and Wards. Following this event, rapid assessments were conducted by DTM (Displacement Tracking Matrix) field staff to inform the humanitarian community and government partners, and enable targeted response. Flash reports utilize direct observation and a broad network of key informants to gather representative data and collect information on the number, profile, and immediate needs of affected populations.
Between 07 and 14 July 2021, the recorded displacements involved a total of 5,655 individuals. A total of 70 individuals left Badakosh ward of Bali LGA in Taraba State to Mbayam Ward of Logo LGA in Benue State and 226 individuals were displaced from Maihula Ward in Taraba state to Nzorov ward in Guma LGA in Benue State. A total of 65 casualties were recorded and 30 shelters were damaged. According to the rapid assessment, 34 percent of IDPs mentioned shelter as their primary need, followed by medical services (reported by 26% of IDPs), food (reported by 22% of IDPs), and NFI (reported by 18% of IDPs).