El Salvador-Baseline assesment of migration flows and mobility tracking within the context of COVID-19, #5 (April, 2021)




Cecilia Ramirez cramirez@iom.int
El Salvador
Fecha de instantánea
Apr 01 2021
Apr 30 2021
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Event Tracking

IEl Salvador, the border patrols of the border security division of the National Civil Police Force (PNC) implemented the “Traveller’s Plan” in April, with the main objective of conducting inspections in various hotels to verify if the foreign nationals staying at the hotels have regular migration status in El Salvador and in addition, to identify potential cases of migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons. 

In April 2021, the General Office of Migration and Immigration (DGME) updated the health provisions for the entry of migrants to the country. Two categories were established: 

  • Individuals who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 must submit a negative COVID-19 viral test result (PCR, NAAT or LAMP) issued a maximum of 72 hours prior to entry 

  • Individuals who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 must submit the original vaccination record certifying compliance with the complete doses of the vaccine. Individuals who have only received one of the two doses must submit a negative COVID-19 viral test result issued a maximum of 72 hours prior to arrival or entry. 

The change in the US administration has generated expectations in the country, particularly regarding the reunification of boys, girls and adolescents with their families. However, in April Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced the strengthening of the country’s strategy against irregular migration flows from Central America (mainly from Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador). 

In April, the United States State Department special envoy visited El Salvador to meet with representatives of the Northern Central American countries, with the objective of coordinating efforts and identifying comprehensive solutions to address the main causes of migration, and particularly irregular migration, and to expand the humanitarian efforts to enable access to protection for persons in vulnerable situations.