Arrivals Of Displaced Individuals In Settlements Overview - Round 3




Tipo de mapa
Atlas Map
Fecha de publicación
Fri, 12/11/2020 - 12:26

This map is representing an overview of arrivals of displaced indivials in settlements of Round 3.

Round 3 data was received on 9 December 2020 as export of anonymized individual records from registration database with information on age, sex, shelter, region of origin in NK and current settlement location in ARM.

Processed by DTM team (on 9 and 10 December 2020) of IOM in Mobility Tracking, baseline database where population values were summarized for all 593 settlement after location and name verification.

Aggregated number for tabulation by settlement and region were generated from DTM database.

First release of data is published on DTM website on 11 December 2020

Detailed settlement dataset with geographic coordinates and settlement codes (from Armenia statistical office) connected to MS database settlement codes was generated.


Geographic reference Armenia

Admin 1, source HDX:

Settlement, source