South Sudan



Desplazados internos rastreados

Movimientos de desplazamiento

IDMC 2023

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Tendencia de la población de desplazados internos

  • División administrativa con número disponible de personas desplazadas
  • Sitio evaluado por DTM
  • Data not available
Sobre South Sudan

Conflict and instability in South Sudan have resulted in large-scale internal and cross-border displacement since the December 2013 crisis of over 4 million individuals. In September 2018, the Revitalized Agreement for the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) was signed between the major warring parties. Whilst overall there have been improvements in security since and returns are ongoing, fighting and communal clashes (frequently linked to cattle raiding) continue to trigger new displacements and the situation remains volatile. 

DTM South Sudan’s toolbox is designed to meet critical information gaps during all phases of response, from preparedness, to intervention and transition/recovery. DTM South Sudan provides country-wide figures on the numbers, locations and priority needs of IDPs and returnees updated on a quarterly and ad-hoc basis. The programme undertakes biometric registration in selected parts of the country to support partners with reaching intended beneficiaries during distributions. Flow monitoring data is collected on a daily basis at displacement sites, key transit hubs and border crossing points to identify mobility dynamics of migrants including IPDs and returnees. Through ad hoc surveys, headcounts, infrastructure/service mapping exercises and other assessments, DTM provides additional information to support partners in planning their response.


IOM South Sudan DTM Juba

Current Donors
  • Switzerland
  • Japan
  • DFID
  • ECHO
  • OCHA
  • OFDA
  • Canada (DFATD)
  • WFP
  • UN Peacebuilding Fund
  • World Bank
Impacto en la movilidad debido a COVID-19 en South Sudan

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (December 2020)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan (SSD) and at its borders.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (November 2020)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan (SSD) and at its borders.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (October 2020)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan (SSD) and at its borders.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (September 2020)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan (SSD) and at its borders.

South Sudan — Naivasha IDP Camp and Masna Collective Centre Population count (December 2020)

In December 2020, the monthly population count was conducted at Masna collective centre where 3,737 individuals/775 households were identified and Naivasha IDP Camp with 8,939 individuals/2,651 households.

South Sudan — Naivasha IDP Camp and Masna Collective Centre Population Count (October 2020)

In October 2020, the monthly population count was conducted at Masna collective centre where 4,012 individuals/849 households were identified and Naivasha IDP Camp with 9,110 individuals/2,694 households.

South Sudan — Naivasha IDP Camp and Masna Collective Centre Population Count (October 2020)

In October 2020, the monthly population count was conducted at Masna collective centre where 4,012 individuals/849 households were identified and Naivasha IDP Camp with 9,110 individuals/2,694 households.

South Sudan — Naivasha IDP Camp and Masna Collective Centre Population Count (November 2020)

In November 2020, the monthly population count was conducted at Masna collective centre where 4,510 individuals/977 households were identified and Naivasha IDP Camp with 9,048 individuals/2,644 households.

South Sudan — Mangala Rapid Flow Monitoring (September - October 2020)

Since mid-June 2020, people in South Sudan have been affected by flooding in areas along the White Nile. In late July, IDPs from Jonglei State started arriving to Juba.

South Sudan — Masna Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (July - September 2020)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix conducted 1,889 interviews representing 5,252 individual movements into and out of Masna collective centre from July to September 2020.

South Sudan — Naivasha Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (July - September 2020)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix conducted 3,615 interviews representing 11,232 individual movements into and out of Naivasha IDP camp site from July to September 2020.

South Sudan — Bentiu Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (July - September 2020)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix conducted 5,563 interviews representing 18,044 individual movements in to and out of Bentiu Protection of Civilian (PoC) site from July to September 2020. Most of the same day movements were females (80%) moving out of the site to collect firewood.

South Sudan — Malakal Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (July - September 2020)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix continues to conduct Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (DSFM) in Malakal Protection of Civilian (PoC) site. During this reporting period (July to September 2020), 4,053 interviews were conducted at the site’s gate representing 5,683 individual journeys.

South Sudan - Submission to the United Nations Secretary-General High Level Panel on Internal Displacement (September 2020)

This reports contains summary of findings from the consultation process with affected communities in South Sudan for the UN Secretary-General's High Level Panel on Internal Displacement (HLP on IDPs) conducted through a series of focus group discussions and key informant interviews between A

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Summary (July - September 2020)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix conducts a country-wide Mobility Tracking exercise in regular intervals to update a comprehensive IDP and returnee baseline.

South Sudan — Bentiu PoC Site Population Count (October 2020)

The Bentiu Protection of Civilian (PoC) site was established in December 2013.

South Sudan — Bentiu PoC Site Population Count (October 2020)

The Bentiu Protection of Civilian (PoC) site was established in December 2013.

South Sudan —Naivasha IDP Camp (former Wau PoC AA) and Masna Collective Centre Population Count (September 2020)

In September 2020, the monthly population count was conducted at Masna collective centre where 5,11 individuals/825 households were identified and Naivasha IDP Camp (former Wau PoC AA) with 9,573 individuals/2,964 households.

South Sudan — Wau PoC AA and Masna Collective Centre Population Count (August 2020)

In August 2020, the monthly population count was conducted at Masna collective centre where 4,925 individuals/806 households were identified and Wau PoC AA with 9,295 individuals/2,688 households.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Mingkaman - Awerial Flooding (September 2020)

On 16 September 2020, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) conducted Emergency Event Tracking to capture information about flood affected population in Twic East and Duk Counties of Jonglei State.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Tonj North Flooding (September 2020)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) conducted an Emergency Event Tracking assessment to capture information about flood affected population in Tonj North County of Warrap State on 16 September 2020.

South Sudan — Protection Summary: Site And Village/Neighborhood Assessment — Mobility Tracking R8 (February – March 2020)

Mobility tracking aims to quantify the presence and needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and relocated individuals in displacement sites and host communities across South Sudan.

South Sudan — Shelter & Non-Food Items Summary: Site And Village/Neighborhood Assessment — Mobility Tracking R8 (February – March 2020)

Mobility tracking aims to quantify the presence and needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and relocated individuals in displacement sites and host communities across South Sudan.

South Sudan — WASH II (Hygiene) Summary: Site And Village/Neighborhood Assessment — Mobility Tracking R8 (February – March 2020)

Mobility tracking aims to quantify the presence and needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and relocated individuals in displacement sites and host communities across South Sudan.

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South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Registry — Return and Relocation Flows (October – December 2020)

This map shows a picture of return and relocation flows tracked by DTM's Flow Monitoring Registry in South Sudan and between South Sudan and neighbouring countries, based on interviews carried out at 34 Flow Monitoring Points between October and December 2020. Figures are only indicative of existing trends among respondents at the active FMPs since DTM does not have full coverage of cross-border or internal flows. Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous.Flows are mapped at the second administrative level for neighbouring countries and at the county or payam level for South Sudan. Flows to and from camps are mapped using UNHCR or IOM camp coordinates where available.The map is best visualized in Adobe Acrobat or Chrome, other PDF readers may result in graphic distortions.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Registry — Long / Medium Term Migration Flows (October – December 2020)

This map shows a picture of long / medium term migration flows tracked by DTM's Flow Monitoring Registry in South Sudan and between South Sudan and neighbouring countries, based on interviews carried out at 34 Flow Monitoring Points between October and December 2020. Figures are only indicative of existing trends among respondents at the active FMPs since DTM does not have full coverage of cross-border or internal flows. Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous.Flows are mapped at the second administrative level for neighbouring countries and at the county or payam level for South Sudan. Flows to and from camps are mapped using UNHCR or IOM camp coordinates where available.The map is best visualized in Adobe Acrobat or Chrome, other PDF readers may result in graphic distortions.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Registry — Mobility Network (October – December 2020)

This map shows a picture of the human mobility network tracked by DTM's Flow Monitoring Registry in South Sudan and between South Sudan and neighbouring countries, based on interviews carried out at 34 Flow Monitoring Points between October and December 2020. Figures are only indicative of existing trends among respondents at the active FMPs since DTM does not have full coverage of cross-border or internal flows. Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous.Flows are mapped at the second administrative level for neighbouring countries and at the county or payam level for South Sudan. Flows to and from camps are mapped using UNHCR or IOM camp coordinates where available.The map is best visualized in Adobe Acrobat or Chrome, other PDF readers may result in graphic distortions.

South Sudan - Koch, Unity State Flood Analysis (September 2020)

Seasonal Flood Analysis for Koch County in Unity State as of 28 and 29 December 2020.

South Sudan - Panyijar, Unity State Flood Analysis (September 2020)

Seasonal Flood Analysis for Panyijar County in Unity State as of 29 September 2020.

South Sudan - Ayod, Jonglei State Flood Analysis (September 2020)

Seasonal Flood Analysis for Ayod County in Jonglei State as of 29 September 2020.

South Sudan - Mobility Tracking Round 9 Location Type Overview (September 2020)

This document contains country-level overview of location types assessed during Mobility Tracking Round 9 conducted between July and September 2020.

South Sudan - Mobility Tracking Round 9 Locations Covered by Sub-Area (September 2020)

This document contains payam/sub-area level overview of assessed locations with confirmed presence of IDPs and returnees (Mobility Tracking Round 9, September 2020). 

South Sudan - Mobility Tracking Round 9 Location Type by State (September 2020)

This document contains state-level maps with indicated location types (IDP, returnee) as per Mobility Tracking Round 9 assessment (September 2020).