



Desplazados internos rastreados

Movimientos de desplazamiento

IDMC 2023

Ronda de recopilación de datos

Desliza el dedo hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha para ver más datos de la línea de tiempo

Tendencia de la población de desplazados internos

  • División administrativa con número disponible de personas desplazadas
  • Sitio evaluado por DTM
  • Data not available
Sobre Afghanistan

The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) is an information management system of tools and methodologies used to track and monitor displacement and population mobility. In Afghanistan, IOM activated the DTM programme in January 2017 in response to the substantial increase of Afghans returning home from neighbouring countries, as well as record levels of internal displacement. DTM in Afghanistan is designed to regularly and systematically capture, process and disseminate multi-layered information about the population sizes, locations, geographic distribution, movements, vulnerabilities, evolving multisectoral needs, and the drivers of migration of returnees, IDPs, migrants and mobile populations. DTM implements baseline mobility assessments, flow monitoring, registrations, and various migration surveys to provide an essential evidence base that enables decision-makers and humanitarian, reintegration and development partners to maximize resources and deliver efficient, better-targeted, mobility-sensitive and sustainable humanitarian; reintegration, community stabilization and development programming.

The value-added impact of DTM in Afghanistan is to inform action and results for people in need. DTM Afghanistan implements its activities at both the national and provincial levels. DTM works closely with other (IOM) programmes through referring identified populations in need of assistance at flow monitoring points to IOM’s Cross Border Return and Reintegration, Protection, Humanitarian Assistance, and Reintegration and Development (RADA) programmes. DTM Afghanistan also supports humanitarian partners and clusters, including WFP, FAO, UNHCR, IRC, DRC, NRC, and WHO, among many others, by providing emergency tracking updates in large-scale or sudden onset movements, such as emergency event tracking and drought response. Furthermore, stabilization and development actors, including IOM’s RADA programme, and the World Bank leverage DTM’s information to select priority communities and districts with higher concentrations of IDPs and returnees to receive reintegration and livelihoods assistance and improvements to core infrastructure and essential services. In support of health partners, including WHO, UNICEF, and the Humanitarian Health Cluster, DTM data informs the selection of priority, at-risk districts, border areas, communities, and health facilities in need of strengthened capacity, response, surveillance, and risk education for polio, TB, COVID-19, and other infectious diseases.


Senior Programme Coordinator - DTM


Current Donors
  • Republic of Korea
  • Norway
  • CERF
  • Canada
  • Italy
  • EU
  • FCDO
Impacto en la movilidad debido a COVID-19 en Afghanistan

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

Para obtener resultados de búsqueda más avanzados, vaya a la Página de búsqueda avanzada de informes
Afghanistan - Flow Monitoring Snapshot (25 February - 2 March 2024) [ENG]

IOM Afghanistan's DTM Flow Monitoring activity, initiated at the beginning of 2024, seeks to quantify and better understand the mobility dynamics at Afghanistan’s borders.

افغانستان - د خلکو د تګ راتګ په اړه لنډ راپور (۱۸-۲۴ فبروري ۲۰۲۴) [PASHTO]

د افغانستان آی اُو اِم د (ډي تي اِم) پروګرام د خلکو د تګ راتګ د جریان څارنې فعالیت د ۲۰۲۴ په پیل کې بیا پیل کړل ترڅو د افغانستان په سرحدونو کې د خوځښت او تګ راتګ په اړه ښه پوه شي.

افغانستان - راپور مختصر جریان عبور و مرور (۱۸-۲۴ فبروری ۲۰۲۴) [DARI]

سازمان بین المللی مهاجرت افغانستان از طریق برنامه سیستم ردیابی بیجاشدگان (دی تی اِم) فعالیت نظارت بر جریان عبور و مرور را در شروع سال ۲۰۲۴ دوباره آغاز کرد تا درک و فهم بهتر از تحرکات و تغییرات عبور و مرور در مرزهای افغانستان را بدست آورد.

Afghanistan - Flow Monitoring Snapshot (18-24 February 2024) [ENG]

IOM Afghanistan's DTM Flow Monitoring activity, initiated at the beginning of 2024, seeks to quantify and better understand the mobility dynamics at Afghanistan’s borders.

افغانستان - د خلکو د تګ راتګ په اړه لنډ راپور (۱۱- ۱۷ فبروري ۲۰۲۴) [PASHTO]

د وروستیو خوځښتونو په ځواب کې، آی اُو اِم افغانستان د ۲۰۲۴ په پیل کې د ډِی ټِی اِم پروګرام د خلکو د تګ راتګ د جریان څارنې فعالیت بیا پیل کړل ترڅو د افغانستان په سرحدونو کې د خوځښت او تګ راتګ په اړه ښه پوه شي.

افغانستان - راپور مختصر جریان عبور و مرور (۱۱- ۱۷ فبروری ۲۰۲۴) [DARI]

با درنظر داشت تحرکات اخیر مردم، سازمان بین المللی مهاجرت افغانستان از طریق برنامه سیستم ردیابی بیجاشدگان خود فعالیت نظارت بر جریان عبور و مرور را در شروع سال ۲۰۲۴ دوباره آغاز کرد تا تحرکات و تغییرات عبور و مرور در مرزهای افغانستان را بهتر درک کند.

Afghanistan - Flow Monitoring Snapshot (11-17 February 2024) [ENG]

In response to recent movements, IOM Afghanistan re-launched its DTM Flow Monitoring activity at the beginning of 2024 to better understand the mobility dynamics at Afghanistan’s borders.

افغانستان - د خلکو د تګ راتګ په اړه لنډ راپور (۴- ۱۰فبروري ۲۰۲۴) [PASHTO]

د وروستیو خوځښتونو په ځواب کې، آی اُو اِم افغانستان د ۲۰۲۴ په پیل کې د ډي ټي اِم پروګرام د خلکو د تګ راتګ د جریان څارنې فعالیت بیا پیل کړل ترڅو د افغانستان په سرحدونو کې د خوځښت او تګ راتګ په اړه ښه پوه شي.

افغانستان - راپور مختصر جریان عبور و مرور (۴- ۱۰فبروری ۲۰۲۴) [DARI]

با درنظر داشت تحرکات اخیر مردم، سازمان بین المللی مهاجرت افغانستان از طریق برنامه سیستم ردیابی بیجاشدگان خود فعالیت نظارت بر جریان عبور و مرور را در شروع سال ۲۰۲۴ دوباره آغاز کرد تا تحرکات و تغییرات عبور و مرور در مرزهای افغانستان را بهتر درک کند.

Afghanistan - Flow Monitoring Snapshot (4-10 February 2024) [ENG]

In response to recent movements, IOM Afghanistan re-launched its DTM Flow Monitoring activity at the beginning of 2024 to better understand the mobility dynamics at Afghanistan’s borders.

افغانستان - د خلکو د تګ راتګ په اړه لنډ راپور (۲۸جنوري - ۳ فبروري ۲۰۲۴) [PASHTO]

د وروستیو خوځښتونو په ځواب کې، آی اُو اِم افغانستان د ۲۰۲۴ په پیل کې د ډِی ټِی اِم پروګرام د خلکو د تګ راتګ د جریان څارنې فعالیت بیا پیل کړل ترڅو د افغانستان په سرحدونو کې د خوځښت او تګ راتګ په اړه ښه پوه شي.

افغانستان - راپور مختصر جریان عبور و مرور (۲۸ جنوری - ۳ فبروری ۲۰۲۴) [DARI]

با درنظر داشت تحرکات اخیر مردم، سازمان بین المللی مهاجرت افغانستان از طریق برنامه سیستم ردیابی بیجاشدگان خود فعالیت نظارت بر جریان عبور و مرور را در شروع سال ۲۰۲۴ دوباره آغاز کرد تا تحرکات و تغییرات عبور و مرور در مرزهای افغانستان را بهتر درک کند.

Afghanistan - Flow Monitoring Snapshot (28 January - 3 February 2024) [ENG]

In response to recent movements, IOM Afghanistan re-launched its DTM Flow Monitoring activity at the beginning of 2024 to better understand the mobility dynamics at Afghanistan’s borders.


From when the reporting period started to where it ends, (15 August 2021 to 15 August 2023), the gap between total outflows and inflows has dwindled between Afghanistan and two of its neighbouring countries, that is the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan.

افغانستان - د خلکو د تګ راتګ په اړه مختصر راپور (۲۱-۲۷ جنوری ۲۰۲۴) [PASHTO]

د وروستیو خوځښتونو په ځواب کې، آی او ام افغانستان د ۲۰۲۴ په پیل کې د ډی ټی ام پروګرام د خلکو د تګ راتګ د جریان څارنې فعالیت بیا پیل کړل ترڅو د افغانستان په سرحدونو کې د خوځښت او تګ راتګ په اړه ښه پوه شی.

افغانستان - راپور مختصر جریان عبور و مرور (۲۱ - ۲۷ جنوری ۲۰۲۴) [DARI]

با درنظر داشت تحرکات اخیر مردم،سازمان بین المللی مهاجرت افغانستان از طریق برنامه سیستم ردیابی بیجاشدگان خود فعالیت نظارت بر جریان عبور و مرور را در شروع سال ۲۰۲۴ دوباره آغاز کرد تا پویایی و تغییرات عبور و مرور در مرزهای افغانستان را بهتر درک کند.

Afghanistan - Flow Monitoring Snapshot (21-27 January 2024) [ENG]

In response to recent movements, IOM Afghanistan re-launched its DTM Flow Monitoring activity at the beginning of 2024 to better understand the mobility dynamics at Afghanistan’s borders.

افغانستان - د خلکو د تګ راتګ په اړه مختصر راپور (۱۰-۲۰ جنوری ۲۰۲۴) [PASHTO]

د وروستیو خوځښتونو په ځواب کې، آی او ام افغانستان د ۲۰۲۴ په پیل کې د ډی ټی ام پروګرام د خلکو د تګ راتګ د جریان څارنې فعالیت بیا پیل کړل ترڅو د افغانستان په سرحدونو کې د خوځښت او تګ راتګ په اړه ښه پوه شی.

افغانستان - راپـــــــــــور مخـــتصر جریان عبور و مرور (۱۰-۲۰ جنوری ۲۰۲۴) [DARI]

با درنظر داشت تحرکات اخیر مردم،سازمان بین المللی مهاجرت افغانستان از طریق برنامه سیستم ردیابی بیجاشدگان خود فعالیت نظارت بر جریان عبور و مرور را در شروع

Afghanistan - Flow Monitoring Snapshot (10-20 January 2024) [ENG]

In response to recent movements, IOM Afghanistan re-launched its DTM Flow Monitoring activity at the beginning of 2024 to better understand the mobility dynamics at Afghanistan’s borders.

Afghanistan - Herat Earthquake Displacement Assessment: Key Findings Report on IDPs (December 2023)

In early October, four large earthquakes and their aftershocks affected the western province of Herat. Since 23 October, IOM DTM Afghanistan has conducted a household-level assessment to determine the immediate needs and conditions of the affected population.

Afghanistan - Rapid Returnee Assessment: Key Findings (December 2023)

In early October, Pakistan’s Ministry of Interior announced a decision to enact the “Illegal Foreigners’ Repatriation Plan (IFRP),” setting a deadline for unregistered or undocumented foreigners to voluntarily return to their countries or face deportation.

Movement in and Out of Afghanistan Snapshot (01- 31 August 2023)

The snapshot captures present mobility and displacement trends between Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan.

Movement in and Out of Afghanistan Snapshot (01- 31 July 2023)

The snapshot captures present mobility and displacement trends between Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan.

Para obtener resultados de búsqueda más avanzados, vaya a la Página de búsqueda avanzada de conjuntos de datos

Para obtener resultados de búsqueda más avanzados, vaya a la Advanced map search page
Afghanistan — Provincial Map — Farah — June 2019

This combined map provide information on Total Inflow, Returnees From Abroad, Arrival IDPs, Fled IDPs, Returned IDPs and Out Migrants on provincial level during the period of 2012 - June 2019. 

Afghanistan — Provincial Map — Daykundi — June 2019

This combined map provide information on Total Inflow, Returnees From Abroad, Arrival IDPs, Fled IDPs, Returned IDPs and Out Migrants on provincial level during the period of 2012 - June 2019. 

Afghanistan — Provincial Map — Bamyan — June 2019

This combined map provide information on Total Inflow, Returnees From Abroad, Arrival IDPs, Fled IDPs, Returned IDPs and Out Migrants on provincial level during the period of 2012 - June 2019. 

Afghanistan — Provincial Map — Balkh — June 2019

This combined map provide information on Total Inflow, Returnees From Abroad, Arrival IDPs, Fled IDPs, Returned IDPs and Out Migrants on provincial level during the period of 2012 - June 2019. 

Afghanistan — Provincial Map — Baghlan — June 2019

This combined map provide information on Total Inflow, Returnees From Abroad, Arrival IDPs, Fled IDPs, Returned IDPs and Out Migrants on provincial level during the period of 2012 - June 2019.  

Afghanistan — Provincial Map — Badakhshan — June 2019

This combined map provide information on Total Inflow, Returnees From Abroad, Arrival IDPs, Fled IDPs, Returned IDPs and Out Migrants on provincial level during the period of 2012 -  June 2019. 

Afghanistan — Provincial Map — Badghis — June 2019

This combined map provide information on Total Inflow, Returnees From Abroad, Arrival IDPs, Fled IDPs, Returned IDPs and Out Migrants on provincial level during the period of 2012 - June 2019. 

Afghanistan — Overview Map — Out-Migrants — June 2019

This map provides information on Out Migrants, Afghans who moved or fled abroad, during the period from 2012 through June 2019. 

Afghanistan — Overview Map — Returned IDPs — June 2019

This map provides information on Returned IDPs, Afghans from an assessed village who had fled as IDPs in the past and now returned home, during the period from 2012 through June 2019. 

Afghanistan — Overview Map — Fled IDPs — June 2019

This map provides information on Fled IDPs, Afghans who have fled an assessed settlement as IDPs to reside elsewhere in Afghanistan, during the period from 2012 through June 2019. 

Afghanistan — Overview Map — Arrival IDPs — June 2019

This map provides information on Arrival IDPs, Afghans displaced from other locations currently residing in an assessed village, during the period from 2012 through June 2019.

Afghanistan — Overview Map — Returnees from Abroad — June 2019

This map provides information on Returnees from Abroad, Afghans who had fled abroad for at least 6 months and have now returned to Afghanistan, during the period from 2012 through June 2019. 

Afghanistan — Overview Map — Total Inflows (IDPs + Returnees) — June 2019

This map provides information on Total inflow (Returnees from Abroad + Arrival IDPs) during the period from 2012 through June 2019.