Data and Analysis
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Crisis Responses
South Sudan — Event Tracking Report #71 (16-30 November 2024)
DTM South Sudan, SouthSudanDTM@iom.int
South Sudan
Period Covered
Nov 16 2024
Nov 30 2024
- Mobility Tracking
- Event Tracking
South Sudan is currently facing a complex humanitarian crisis characterized by extensive internal displacements. The underlying causes of these displacement dynamics are varied and include communal clashes, flooding, insecurity, violence, natural disasters, and cross-border movements.
Between November 16th and November 30th, 2024, enumerators from the Displacement Tracking Matrix recorded significant disaster-related displacements due to flooding, impacting a total of 48,870 individuals. Most of these displacements occurred in Unity state, where 30,886 individuals were affected. They were displaced to various locations including Koch (14,142 individuals), Mayom (5,995 individuals), Rubkona (4,844 individuals), Leer (4,223 individuals), and Mayiendit counties (1,682 individuals).
The effect of these displacements calls for urgent humanitarian intervention among the affected population. Those who have been displaced identified their most pressing requirements as being in dire need of non-food items, shelter, and health.