East, Horn and Southern Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring — (June 2024)

A total of 22,559 movements were observed in June 2024, representing a 8 per cent decrease compared to May 2024, when 24,430 movements were observed during this period.


Cette analyse porte sur les données recueillies jusqu'au 31 mars 2024, auprès de 7 883 ménages situés dans des communautés transfrontalières, représentant une portion des populations de ces zones.

RDC — Tanganyika: Suivi des urgences 136 (06-10 Août 2024)

L’évaluation rapide de l’OIM (Suivi des Urgences) est un outil mis en place dans le but de collecter des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains des populations.

DTM Burundi — Tableau de bord du suivi des flux ( 27 février - 31 mars 2024)

Ce tableau de bord fournit une analyse des tendances de la mobilité des populations observées au niveau de trois points de suivi des flux (Flow Monitoring Points, FMP), deux établis sur des points d’entrées officiels établis entre la frontière du Burundi et la République Démocratique du Congo (RD

Kenya – Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment in Wajr Round #2 (May 2023)

Mobility Tracking and Multi Sectoral Location Assessment Data was collected in Wajir County between 1 and 19 November 2023. Key findings included:

RDC — Sud Kivu: Suivi des urgences 135 (05-09 Août 2024)

L’évaluation rapide de l’OIM (Suivi des Urgences) est un outil mis en place dans le but de collecter des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains des populations.

South Sudan — Intentions and Needs Survey – Malakal Transit Center (TC) (August 2024)

On 3 May 2023, the Upper Nile State government in collaboration with a task force sub-committee established the Malakal Transit Centre (TC) to coordinate the movements of individuals arriving from Renk due to the conict in Sudan.

Somalia — Emergency Trend Tracking Report — Round 19 (August 2024)

This latest round of Emergency Trends Tracking was initiated in April 2024 to monitor displacements movements during the Gu rainy season.

Malawi — Flow Monitoring of Migrants in Karonga - Round 6 (30 June 2024)

This report is an overview of the data collected from 1 to 30 June 2024 at Karonga FMP in Malawi along the border with the United Republic of Tanzania.

Malawi — Flow Monitoring of Migrants in Mangochi - Round 6 (30 June 2024)

This report is an overview of the data collected from 1 to 30 June 2024 at Mangochi FMP in Malawi along the border with Mozambique.

Ethiopia — Flow Monitoring Dashboard 57 (June 2024)

In June 2024, a total of 31,746 movements were observed across the six flow monitoring points (FMPs) in Ethiopia. This represents a 9.1% decrease in daily average movements in comparison with May 2024 when an average of 1,164 movements per day were observed.

Somalia — Emergency Trend Tracking Report — Round 18 (July 2024)

This latest round of Emergency Trends Tracking was initiated in April 2024 to monitor displacements movements during the Gu rainy season.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Report #58 (16-31 July 2024)

South Sudan is grappling with a multifaceted humanitarian crisis marked by significant internal displacements. The factors fueling these displacement dynamics are diverse, encompassing communal clashes, land disputes, insecurity, violence, disasters, and cross-border movements.

RDC — Sud Kivu: Suivi des urgences 134 (20-24 Juillet 2024)

L’évaluation rapide de l’OIM (Emergency Event Tracking, EET) est un outil mis en place dans le but de collecter des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains des populations.

Ethiopia — Data for Sustainable Support to Persons Displaced by Conflict and Natural Disasters and their Host Communities, Household Level Survey (HLS), Benishangul Gumz Region (March 2024)

The EU-funded Individual Measure 3 (IM3) project "Sustainable support to persons displaced by conflict and natural disasters and their host communities in Afar, Amhara, Benishangul Gumz and Tigray” aims to sustainably enhance the protection and response to basic needs, for forcibly displ

RDC — Sud Kivu: Suivi des urgences 132 (19-25 Juillet 2024)

L’évaluation rapide de l’OIM (Emergency Event Tracking, EET) est un outil mis en place dans le but de collecter des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains des populations.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Report #59 (16-31 July 2024)

In South Sudan, a complex humanitarian crisis is unfolding due to various factors such as communal conflicts, land disputes, insecurity, violence, natural disasters, and displacement across borders.

Ethiopia — Data for Sustainable Support to Persons Displaced by Conflict and Natural Disasters and their Host Communities, Household Level Survey (HLS), Tigray Region (March 2024)

The EU-funded Individual Measure 3 (IM3) project "Sustainable support to persons displaced by conflict and natural disasters and their host communities in Afar, Amhara, Benishangul Gumz and Tigray” aims to sustainably enhance the protection and response to basic needs, for forcibly displ

Uganda – EET: Multi-Hazard Report (June-July 2024)

Scattered rains experienced during the months of June and July triggered flash floods and heavy storms. Lightning was reported in the Karamoja region in Amudat district, land conflicts in Wakiso and Amuru while public riots in Kamwenge.

RDC — Sud Kivu: Suivi des urgences 133 (19-26 Juillet 2024)

L’évaluation rapide de l’OIM (Emergency Event Tracking, EET) est un outil mis en place dans le but de collecter des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains des populations.

Ethiopia — Data for Sustainable Support to Persons Displaced by Conflict and Natural Disasters and their Host Communities, Household Level Survey (HLS), Amhara Region (March 2024)

The EU-funded Individual Measure 3 (IM3) project "Sustainable support to persons displaced by conflict and natural disasters and their host communities in Afar, Amhara, Benishangul Gumz and Tigray” aims to sustainably enhance the protection and response to basic needs, for forcibly displ

Burundi - Collective Intelligence Project - Fact sheet

Since June 2022, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and the Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS) have been planning implementing and monitoring the ECHO-funded project: Environmental degradation and displacement: leveraging citizen-centred data to

Kenya – Mobility Tracking Round 2 in Turkana_Infographic (24 May)

Based on findings from Mobility Tracking Round 2 conducted in Turkana, the infographic presents "key findings,"- those most surprising, concerning or informative form the overall assessment findings.

Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Mozambique (Central and Southern) - Round 14 - August 2024

The Round 14 MSLA assessed 93 sites across Central and Southern Mozambique, identifying a total of 136,637 IDPs. This represents a 14 per cent increase from the previous round, with displacement driven primarily by climatic shocks.

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Kenya — Baseline Assessment / Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Marsabit County — Round 1
Mar 09 2023

The data collection was conducted across the entire nine sub-counties of Marsabit County in 19 Wards, 134 sub-locations and 1,045 settlements.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment, Baseline Assessment
Kenya — Baseline Assessment / Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Isiolo County — Round 1
Mar 09 2023

The data collection was conducted across the entire three sub-counties of Isiolo County in 10 Wards, 88 sub-locations and 566 settlements.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment, Baseline Assessment
Kenya — Baseline Assessment / Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Turkana County — Round 1
Mar 09 2023

The assessment was conducted across the entire Turkana County by enumerators in 30 Wards, 174 sublocations and 1,867 settlements. A total of 53 enumerators and five team leaders who are familiar with the local and administrative contexts were locally engaged from each sub-location, through the…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment, Baseline Assessment
Kenya — Baseline Assessment - Garissa County — Round 1
Mar 09 2023

DTM’s mobility tracking baseline area assessment was conducted in coordination with Garissa County Government, County Commissioner’s office, and NDMA from 5 to 19 September 2022 in Garissa. The assessment was conducted at two levels – ward level and settlement level, using key informant interviews…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Burundi — Données de Suivi des Urgences — (26 Février - 04 Mars 2023)
Mar 06 2023

Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
South Sudan - Baseline Assessment Round 13
Mar 06 2023

Mobility Tracking quantifies the presence of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees in South Sudan in displacement sites and host communities. As of August 2022, IOM DTM mapped a total of 2,257,672 IDPs (of whom, 7% previously displaced abroad) and 2,175,352 returnees (29% from abroad)…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
South Sudan - Baseline Locations Round 13
Mar 06 2023

Mobility Tracking quantifies the presence of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees in South Sudan in displacement sites and host communities. As of August 2022, IOM DTM mapped a total of 2,257,672 IDPs (of whom, 7% previously displaced abroad) and 2,175,352 returnees (29% from abroad)…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Burundi — Données de Suivi des Urgences — (19 - 25 Février 2023)
Feb 27 2023

Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Burundi — Données de Suivi des Urgences — (12 - 18 Février 2023)
Feb 20 2023

Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Somalia — ETT (Drought) — Bay Region - R18 (29- 03 Feb 2023)
Feb 20 2023

ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Somalia — ETT (Drought) — Bay Region - R17 (21 - 27 Jan 2023)
Feb 20 2023

ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Somalia — ETT (Drought) — Bay Region - R19 (04 - 10 Feb 2023)
Feb 20 2023

ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Burundi — Données de Suivi des Urgences — (06 - 11 Février 2023)
Feb 13 2023

Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
South Sudan - Event Tracking (January - December 2022)
Feb 03 2023

<p>IOM DTM employs Event Tracking as a more rapid and localized assessment tool complementing overall efforts to report on IDP and returnee figures nationally. IOM teams access IDP/returnee locations and consult local key informants including community representatives, local authorities or…

Mobility Tracking
Burundi — Suivi des urgences - (22 - 28 Janvier 2023)
Jan 30 2023

Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Somalia — ETT (Drought) — Bay Region - R15 (07 - 12 Jan 2023)
Jan 12 2023

ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Burundi — Données de Suivi des Urgences — 15 - 21 Janvier 2023
Jan 23 2023

Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Burundi — Données de Suivi des Urgences — (08- 14 Jan 2023)
Jan 17 2023

Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Somalia — ETT (Drought) — Bay Region - R14 (31 Dec 2022 - 05 Jan 2023)
Jan 11 2023

ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Somalia — ETT (Drought) — Bay Region - R13 (24 - 30 Dec 2022)
Jan 09 2023

ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking

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