Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
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Period Covered
Dec 15 2024
Dec 21 2024
- Survey
- Flow Monitoring Survey
- Flow Monitoring
DTM Flow Monitoring, conducted by IOM Afghanistan, is designed to provide insights into the mobility patterns at Afghanistan’s border points with the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan. This activity involves two interlinked exercises: Flow Monitoring Counting (FMC), which monitors the number of movements across the border, and Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS), which collect data on the profiles of randomly selected Afghan nationals crossing the border including documentation held, reasons for travel, and the intended period of stay/ travel. It is important to note that DTM collects information on total movements at a given border point, not the number of unique individuals entering or leaving the country. As a result, if one individual both left and re-entered Afghanistan during the reporting period, this would count as one outflow movement and one inflow movement. Movements can be attributed to a wide variety of reasons, including returnees coming back to Afghanistan after living abroad, people visiting family, deportees, those travelling for economic reasons, medical patients, students, or Afghans moving abroad for different reasons. Circular movements, which include those who frequently and regularly travel back and forth across the border for trade and other reasons, are also common. This monitoring offers a clear picture of population movements in and out of the country.
DTM FM is operational at four main crossing points (connected to Afghanistan’s National Highway) as well as six other crossing points with Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan. This weekly snapshot combines information from the FM activity and various IOM sources related to cross-border movement. For a detailed explanation of the methodology used in gathering this data, the report directs readers to the section titled “IOM INFLOW DATA” on the last page.

Period Covered
Oct 10 2023
Dec 25 2024
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
Since October 8 there has been an increase in cross-border incidents between Israel and Lebanon, resulting in the displacement of people both within the South and elsewhere within the country. Since October 10, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been conducting the daily monitoring of population movements. The objective of the exercise is to inform preparedness and response planning.

DTM Sudan; dtmsudan@iom.int
Period Covered
Dec 03 2024
Dec 17 2024
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
This report corresponds to the Sudan Mobility Update (3) dataset, available here.
This report provides an overview of the total population of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Sudan, including those displaced both before and after the onset of the conflict on 15 April 2023.
Key Findings:
- An estimated total of 11,532,774 IDPs were displaced to 10,043 locations, in 184 localities, across all 18 states in Sudan.
- An estimated 8,795,874 individuals were displaced internally within Sudan since 15 April 2023.
- An estimated 28 per cent of IDPs who were initially displaced prior to the onset of the current conflict experienced secondary displacement since 15 April 2023.
- Approximately 3,352,418 individuals crossed borders into neighbouring countries since 15 April 2023.
- The top states of origin were Khartoum (32%), South Darfur (18%), and North Darfur (14%).
- The highest proportion of IDPs were hosted in South Darfur (16%), North Darfur (14%), and Gedaref (10%) states.
- Over half (52%) of IDPs were reportedly children under the age of 18-years-old.
Annex 1 includes an operational matrix with a table of estimated IDPs per state, disaggregated by displacement before versus after 15 April 2023.
Note: The number of IDPs displaced post 15 April 2023 (8,795,874 IDPs) includes the estimated 1,083,872 IDPs who were initially displaced prior to 15 April 2023 and experienced secondary displacement since 15 April 2023. DTM Sudan defines an internally displaced person as any person who has been forced or obliged to flee from their habitual residence due to an event dating from 2003 onwards.

Period Covered
Dec 16 2024
Dec 22 2024
- Mobility Tracking
- Event Tracking
Between 13 and 14 December 2024, escalating attacks and heightened fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Miengueleua, Muidumbe district, led to the displacement of approximately 4,254 individuals (1,096 households) as of 22 December 2024. Many displaced individuals have sought safety within other postos in Muidumbe, while others have moved to Macomia and Mocimboa da Praia districts. Displaced populations are sheltering in resettlement sites, temporary centers, and host communities across these areas.
DTM Mozambique, DTMMozambique@iom.int
- Mobility Tracking
- Event Tracking
Period Covered
Dec 17 2024 -Dec 17 2024
Tropical Cyclone Chido made landfall in Mozambique on 15 December 2024, bringing intense winds and heavy rainfall that caused widespread destruction of housing, livelihoods, and critical infrastructure across Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and Niassa provinces. This report presents preliminary findings from six affected districts (Erati, Memba, Mecuburi, Mongicual, Nacala Porto, Lalaua) in Nampula province and seven of the affected districts in Niassa province (Nipepe, Lago, Metarica, Maua, Cuamba, Majune and Mandimba).
According to the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD) of Mozambique, 20,178 households, comprising 104,220 individuals, have been affected. As of 17 December 2024, INGD data indicates that 18,854 houses have been partially damaged, while 2,259 houses have been completely destroyed, totaling 21,113 damaged shelters in Nampula and Niassa provinces. Shelter, food and non-food items (NFIs) remain the most critical needs for the affected population accross Nampula and Niassa provinces. Prioritised NFI needs include Hygiene kits, Dinginity kits soap and mosquito nets. Joint multi-sectoral needs assessments, led by INGD and humanitarian partners, are ongoing to evaluate the evolving needs and living conditions of affected populations.
Population Groups
Survey Methodology
Unit of Analysis Or Observation
Admin Area 2
Type of Survey or Assessment
Key Informant
Geographical Scope Partial Coverage
Administrative boundaries with available data
The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries

Period Covered
Aug 16 2024
Sep 16 2024
- Flow Monitoring Survey
- Flow Monitoring
Between 16 August and 16 September 2024, 354 migratory movements were tracked through IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) at four flow monitoring points in and around Nairobi: Eastleigh, Kangemi, the Roysombu-Thika road and Athi River. Around two thirds (67%) of migrants were male, and over half of them (53%) were in the 18 to 29 age group (Figure 2.2). There were a variety of migrants from 11 different nationalities (Figure 2), with Burundians (32%), Ethiopians (26%) and Somalis (13%) being the most represented nationalities. Most of the migrants interviewed departed from Burundi (41%), followed by Ethiopia (25%) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (12%). More than two thirds of respondents reported (69%) Kenya as their final destination.
From the 354 migrants tracked through FMR, a non-statistically representative sample of 175 migrants (58% males and 42% females; Figure 2) responded to further questions to the Flow Monitoring Survey (FMS). Although most migrants were either married (45%) or single (43%), the data collected illustrated (Figure 14) that males were more likely to be married (49%) or single (45%) than females (38% and 40% respectively). However, females were more likely to report being separated (12%) or widowed (7%) than males (2% for each of the marital status). The findings on marital status may indicate that women who are single or unmarried may be in more precarious financial circumstances and therefore be more willing to risk travel in pursuit of opportunities. Or it may indicate that the same group of women have more autonomy to pursue alternative opportunities.
DTM Mozambique, DTMMozambique@iom.int
- Mobility Tracking
- Event Tracking
Period Covered
Dec 16 2024 -Dec 16 2024
This dataset provides preliminary findings from six affected districts (Mongicual, Erati, Lalaua, Mecuburi, Nacala Porto, Memba) in Nampula and four affected districts (Majuni, Metarica, Nipepe, Maua) in Niassa provinces. Data collection is still ongoing in several districts, including those in Cabo Delgado. According to the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD) of Mozambique, 8,624 households, comprising 46,631 individuals, have been impacted by the landfall of Tropical Cyclone Chido in these provinces.
As of 16 December 2024, INGD data indicates that 7,458 houses have been partially damaged, while 2,073 houses have been completely destroyed, totaling 9,531 damaged shelters in Nampula and Niassa provinces. Shelter and non-food items (NFIs) remain the most critical needs for the affected population across these provinces, where significant shelter destruction has occurred. Additional priority needs include agriculture and food security, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and health services. With continued rainfall and the risk of flooding, joint needs assessments, led by INGD and humanitarian partners, are ongoing to evaluate the evolving needs and living conditions of affected populations.
Population Groups
Survey Methodology
Unit of Analysis Or Observation
Admin Area 2
Type of Survey or Assessment
Key Informant
Geographical Scope Partial Coverage
Administrative boundaries with available data
The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries

DTM Somalia, IOMSomaliaDTM@iom.int
Period Covered
Dec 14 2024
Dec 18 2024
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
This latest round of Emergency Trends Tracking was initiated in April 2024 to monitor displacements movements during the Gu rainy season. From April to September 2024, DTM teams collected data in up to 22 districts: Afgooye, Afmadow, Baardheere, Baidoa, Balcad, Belet Weyne, Belet Xaawo, Cabudwaaq, Dayniile, Dhuusamarreeb, Doolow, Gaalkacyo, Garoowe, Hodan, Jamaame, Jowhar, Kahda, Kismaayo, Luuq, Waajid, Xudur and Hobyo. As of Round 28, data collection occurred in only 4 districts: Xudur, Waajid, Gaalkacyo and Hobyo districts.
The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous shock induced displacement patterns, the humanitarian community expects that people will continue to move toward urban areas in search of humanitarian services. Consequently, the ETT coverage focuses on the main urban centers and surrounding villages for each assessed district. The data is collected through Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) at the location level, from Sunday to Wednesday every week. It includes information on new arrivals, numbers and demographic of IDPs, reasons for displacement, intentions, humanitarian assistance and priority needs among others.
To facilitate the joint analysis of the CCCM (Camp Coordination and Camp Management) Cluster’s New Arrivals Tracker (NAT) and ETT data, the assistance and needs indicators are identical in both tools.
Dec 23 2024
Tropical Cyclone Chido was a powerful and destructive storm that impacted Southeast Africa in December 2024. It originated as a zone of disturbed weather on 5 December 2024 in the southeastern Indian Ocean basin, progressing westward. Source: Wikipedia
By 10 December, Chido had intensified into a Category 4 tropical cyclone, with wind speeds exceeding 200 km/h (124 mph). On 14 December, it struck the French island of Mayotte, becoming the strongest storm to hit the region in nearly a century. Source: World Meteorological Organization
The cyclone caused catastrophic damage in Mayotte, with reports indicating that thousands are feared dead, and many more injured. The island's infrastructure was severely affected, leading to shortages of food, water, and shelter. Source: The Times
After impacting Mayotte, Chido continued its westward trajectory, making landfall in Mozambique on 15 December. The storm brought heavy rainfall exceeding 250 mm in 24 hours and strong winds up to 120 km/h (75 mph), affecting provinces such as Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and Niassa. Source: OCHA
The aftermath of Cyclone Chido has raised concerns about potential health crises, including cholera outbreaks, due to the lack of clean water and strained healthcare infrastructure. Relief efforts are ongoing, with international aid organizations and governments mobilizing resources to assist the affected populations.
Countries in this response
- Active DTM operation
- Past DTM operation
Україна — Звіт про переміщення — Звіт по Базовій Оцінці Території (Районний рівень) — 17 Тур (14 - 25 Листопадa 2022)
Базова оцінка території надає детальні дані щодо кількості та географічного розташування офіційно зареєстрованих
Ukraine — Displacement Report - Area Baseline Report (Raion level) — Round 17 (14 - 25 Nov 2022)
The Area Baseline assessment provides granular data on the number and geographic location of officially recorded internally di
Lithuania — Displacement Surveys with Refugees from Ukraine and TCNs (01 September – 11 November 2022)
Since 24 February 2022, an increasing number of refugees and third-country nationals (TCNs) entering Lithuania have been registered by national authorities due to the war in Ukraine. Between February 24 and November 11, 69,659 refugees from Ukraine entered Lithuania.
Romania — Urban Inclusion Survey with refugees from Ukraine (01 August — 20 October 2022)
Starting on 24 February 2022, the war in Ukraine triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and generated large scale displacement both within Ukraine and to the neighbouring countries.
Republic of Moldova — Displacement Surveys with Refugees from Ukraine and TCNs, Round #05 (6 September - 6 October 2022)
On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine and triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and forcibly displaced people within Ukraine and to neighboring countries.
Slovakia — Displacement Surveys with Refugees from Ukraine and TCNs, Round #06 (09 March - 11 November 2022)
Since 24 February 2022, an increasing number of refugees and third-country nationals (TCNs) entering Slovakia has been registered due to the war in Ukraine. As of 16 November 2022, Slovak authorities have reported 963,542 arrivals from Ukraine out of whom 887,555 were Ukr
Після 24 лютого 2022 року повномасштабне російське вторгнення в Україну спричинило безпрецедентну гуманітарну кризу по всій країні, що характеризується, серед іншого, переміщенням значної частини українського населення.
Hungary — Displacement Surveys with Refugees from Ukraine and TCNs, Round #04 (01-31 October 2022)
Since 24 February 2022, refugees from Ukraine and Third Country Nationals (TCNs) have been fleeing to neighbouring countries as a result of the war. 31,290 refugees from Ukraine and TCNs were registered in Hungary as of 8 November 2022, according to UNHCR and the Hungarian Government.
Ukraine — Returns Report Round 2 (October 2022)
Starting on 24 February 2022, a large-scale armed conflict in Ukraine triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis across the country, characterised, among other elements, by the displacement of a significant proportion of the Ukrainian population.
Nov 15 2022
Ukraine — Returns Report Round 2 (October 2022)
Bійна в Україні, яка розпочалася 24 лютого 2022 року, спричинила безпрецедентну гуманітарну кризу, що охопила всі області країни.
Базова оцінка території надає детальні дані щодо кількості та географічного розташування офіційно зареєстрованих внутрішньо переміщених осіб (ВПО). Збір даних для 16-го туру базової оцінки території відбувався з 31 Жовтня по 11 Листопада в 21 області та місті Києві.
Україна — Звіт про переміщення — Звіт по Базовій Оцінці Території (Районний рівень) — 15 Тур
Базова оцінка території надає детальні дані щодо кількості та географічного розташування офіційно зареєстрованих внутрішньо переміщених осіб (ВПО).
DTM Yemen, iomyemendtm@iom.int
- Mobility Tracking
- Event Tracking
Period Covered
Dec 15 2024 -Dec 21 2024
From 1 January to 21 December 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 3,589 households (HH) (21,534 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.
Between 15 and 21 December 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 38 households (228 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts:
- Ma’rib (30 HHs) – Marib City (14 HHs), Marib (12 HHs), Harib (4 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Al Hodeidah and Taiz.
- Al Hodeidah (7 HH) – Hays (7 HHs) district. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Al Hodeidah and Taiz.
- Taiz (1 HH) – Al Maafer (1 HHs) district. All displacements in the governorate originated from Lahj.
The majority of people moved from the following governorates and districts:
- Al Hodeidah (16 HHs) – Hays (4 HHs), Jabal Ras (3 HHs), Bajil (3 HHs) districts.
- Taiz (7 HHs) – Maqbanah (3 HHs), Sabir Al Mawadim (2 HHs), As Silw (1 HHs) districts.
- Ma’rib (4 HHs) – Harib (4 HHs) district.
IOM identified 40 additional households displaced in the previous reporting period, which covered 08 - 14 December 2024, in the governorates of Al Hodeidah (29 HHs), Taiz (8 HHs), and Marib (3 HHs). These figures have been added to the cumulative displacement total recorded since the beginning of the year.
Population Groups
Returnee (Previously Internally Displaced)
Survey Methodology
Unit of Analysis Or Observation
Admin Area 2
Type of Survey or Assessment
Key Informant
Geographical Scope Partial Coverage
Administrative boundaries with available data
The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries