


DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
Mar 01 2024
Mar 31 2024
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

IOM Yemen DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) monitors migrant arrivals on the southern coastal border and Yemeni return locations on Yemen's northern border with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).  Enumerators placed at Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) record migrant arrivals and returning Yemeni nationals to identify different patterns of migration, and to provide quantitative estimates to help define the population of irregular migrants entering the country.
FMR is not representative of all flows in Yemen and should be understood as only indicative of migration trends of the unknown total number of migrants arriving in Yemen at FMPs during the time frame indicated. Access constraints limit the ability to collect data at some migrant arrival points.
In an effort to reduce the flow of migrants entering Yemen, which primarily crosses through the country heading towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, a joint military campaign was initiated in August 2023. This campaign focused on the coast of Lahj governorate, a significant entry point for a large number of migrants (max. 15,714 migrants in March 2023). The military detained smugglers and pursued their boats, leading to a steady decrease in the flow of migrants through this coast until it ceased entirely during the last five months, with a single exception in the middle of December 2023 when a boat carrying 110 migrants managed to land.
In March 2024, IOM Yemen DTM recorded 1,930 migrants entering Yemen, an increase of 11 per cent compared to last month (1,744). Shabwah typically serves as an entry point for migrants departing from Somalia and rarely sees migrants departing from Djibouti due to the considerable distance between Djibouti and Shabwah. Thus, Shabwah was the arrival destination for 93 per cent of migrants departed from Bari, Somalia (1,800). The overall number of migrants entering through Shabwah has increased by three per cent in March (1,800) compared to February 2024 (1,744). Moreover, the team in Abyan governorate recorded new migrants landing in Ahwar district - Hesn Balead FMP. The number of migrants arriving through Abyan coast reached to 130 (all departed from Somalia).
According to DTM, conflict-induced movements constituted 57 per cent of all incoming movements in March 2024. These movements were exclusively observed in Shabwah, originating from Bari, Somalia (21% children, 23% women, and 56% men).


DTM observed an increase in Yemeni returnees by 36 per cent in March (4,226) compared to February (3,116). Furthermore, in March 2024, a total of 411 migrants ( 385 Ethiopian, 25 Yemeni, and one Somali) were deported from Oman back to Hawf district of Al Maharah governorate, Yemen.
The deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Yemen has forced many migrants to make the difficult decision to return to their home countries in the Horn of Africa. Others are reported to have been deported by authorities. DTM recorded that in March 2024, a total of 1,174 migrants either opted to take the risky journey back or were deported by boat from Yemen. This group consisted of 91 per cent men, seven per cent women, and two per cent children. 
Additionally, the Djibouti DTM team documented that during the same period, a total of 1,177 migrants (92 per cent men, four per cent women, and four per cent children) embarked on a dangerous journey back home by boat from Yemen. These numbers highlight the significant challenges faced by migrants in Yemen and the desperate situations that have driven them to undertake perilous voyages across the sea



Period Covered
Apr 01 2023
Aug 02 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Due to an observed , increase in inflows to Sinjar and Al- districts trigged by social tension between Yazidis and other residents, the International Organization for (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Iraq launched an emergency tracking tool in April 2023 to understand the number of people in movement and their main characteristics.



Period Covered
Jan 01 2024
Jan 15 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Due to an increasing number of evictions announced for families in informal settlements, the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Iraq launched an emergency tracking tool in September 2023 to understand the number of affected people and their main characteristics



Period Covered
Mar 10 2024
Apr 07 2024
  • Registration
  • Rapid Emergency Registration
  • Verification for Registration

Le conflit entre les Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) et le groupe de M23 s’est intensifié depuis mars 2022, entraînant une grave crise humanitaire dans la région. La violence continue a contraint un grand nombre de personnes à quitter leurs foyers, cherchant refuge dans des communautés d’accueil et des sites improvisés dans des régions telles que Goma, Nyiragongo, Rutshuru et Masisi. Avec plus de 100 sites établis pour accueillir ces populations déplacées, cette situation laisse présager le besoin urgent d’assistance et d’intervention humanitaires. En réponse à cette crise, l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) a lancé son programme de coordination et de gestion des camps (CCCM) visant à améliorer la coordination entre les différents acteurs et services opérant dans ces sites ainsi que sa matrice de suivi des déplacements (DTM), afin de gérer efficacement les informations cruciales nécessaires à l’acheminement de l’aide et au plaidoyer en faveur du soutien aux personnes touchées par le conflit.

Du 21 mars au 7 avril, la DTM a mené des activités de vérification en parallèle aux enregistrements pour mettre à jour les données en réponse à l’afflux de populations dans les sites, à la suite d'une recrudescence de la violence observée en janvier 2024. En étroite collaboration avec des partenaires étatiques tels que la Commission Nationale pour les Réfugiés (CNR) et la Division Provinciale des Actions Humanitaires et de la Solidarité Nationale du Nord-Kivu (DIVAH-SN), la DTM s’est concentrée sur l’évaluation de 88 sites identifiés dans le cadre du programme CCCM de l’OIM comme étant un groupe de sites situés le long de l’axe Kanyaruchinya.



Period Covered
Mar 10 2024
Apr 07 2024
  • Registration
  • Rapid Emergency Registration
  • Verification for Registration

The conflict between the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) and the M23 group has intensified since March 2022, leading to a serious humanitarian crisis in the region. The ongoing violence has forced large numbers of people to leave their homes, seeking refuge in host communities and makeshift sites in regions such as Goma, Nyiragongo, Rutshuru and Masisi. With over 100 sites set up to accommodate these displaced populations, the situation points to an urgent need for humanitarian assistance and intervention. In response to this crisis, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has launched its Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) program to improve coordination between the various actors and services operating in these sites, as well as its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) to effectively manage the crucial information needed to deliver assistance and advocate support for those affected by the conflict.


From 21 March to 7 April, DTM carried out verification activities in parallel with registration to update data in response to the influx of populations into the sites, that followed an upsurge in violence observed in January 2024. Working closely with state partners such as the Commission Nationale pour les Réfugiés (CNR) and the Division Provinciale des Actions Humanitaires et de la Solidarité Nationale du Nord-Kivu (DIVAH-SN), DTM focused on assessing 88 sites identified under IOM's CCCM program as a group of sites located along the Kanyaruchinya axis.



Period Covered
Nov 01 2023
Nov 14 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Due to an increasing number of evictions announced for families in informal settlements, the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Iraq launched an emergency tracking tool in September 2023 to understand the number of affected people and their main characteristics.



Costa Rica
Period Covered
Mar 01 2024
Mar 31 2024
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Baseline Assessment

La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), como agencia de las Naciones Unidas en materia de migración en Costa Rica, implementó, desde 2021, dos rondas de la Matriz de Seguimiento al Desplazamiento (DTM por sus siglas en inglés) como parte de su estrategia de monitoreo del flujo migratorio circular de personas de nacionalidad nicaragüense, en puntos fronterizos no oficiales, en distintos cantones del norte del país. A partir de este ejercicio en tres puntos de ingreso no oficial de la frontera con Nicaragua, se contabilizaron 60 697 movimientos migratorios, de los cuales el 59 por ciento fueron egresos y 41 por ciento ingresos.

Siendo parte fundamental de la misión de OIM brindar asesoría clave sobre políticas y prácticas migratorias, se vuelve necesario actualizar los datos de este flujo migratorio circular de nicaragüenses que cruzan tanto de forma regular como irregular la frontera norte de Costa Rica.

Según los registros de la DGME de ingresos y egresos regulares por puestos fronterizos oficiales en Los Chiles y Peñas Blancas, en 2022 hubo 394.730 movimientos migratorios regulares (50 % ingresos y 50 % egresos) mientras que durante el 2023, en total se registraron 526.271 movimientos migratorios (50 % ingresos y 50 % egresos), lo cual representó un aumento de 33 por ciento con respecto a 2022. Durante marzo de 2024, se realizaron un total de 53.622 movimientos migratorios siendo el 53 por ciento egresos y el 47 por ciento egresos.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Nov 16 2023
Dec 18 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions
  • Return Intention

While many of the IDPs continued to be displaced for prolonged periods, there is a noticeable trend of increasing numbers of IDPs returning to their places of origin, as evidenced by Round 45 of DTM assessments (June 2023) identified 2,075,257 returnees in the region. Recognizing the growing number of returnees, the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM)/Shelter and NFI and Protection sectors, including the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA),  National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), Nigeria Red Cross Society (NRCS), and other key partners deemed it necessary to assess the future intentions (within the next 12 months) of individuals in displacement areas to provide appropriate solution interventions. The DTM team, with the support of the partners, led the Intention Survey (IS) in Bauchi State (including the other five states of the north-east) to assess IDPs who wish to return to their place of origin, locally integrate at their current location of displacement or relocate to another part of the state (LGA), within or outside the country.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Nov 16 2023
Dec 18 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions
  • Return Intention

While many of the IDPs continued to be displaced for prolonged periods, there is a noticeable trend of increasing numbers of IDPs returning to their places of origin, as evidenced by Round 45 of DTM assessments (June 2023) identified 2,075,257 returnees in the region. Recognizing the growing number of returnees, the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM)/Shelter and NFI and Protection sectors, including the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA),  National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), Nigeria Red Cross Society (NRCS), and other key partners deemed it necessary to assess the future intentions (within the next 12 months) of individuals in displacement areas to provide appropriate solution interventions. The DTM of the IOM Nigeria Mission, with the support of the partners, led the Intention Survey (IS) in Taraba State (including the other five states of the north-east) to assess IDPs who wish to return to their place of origin, locally integrate at their current location of displacement or relocate to another part of the state (LGA), within or outside the country.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Nov 16 2023
Dec 18 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions
  • Return Intention

While many of the IDPs continued to be displaced for prolonged periods, there is a noticeable trend of increasing numbers of IDPs returning to their places of origin, as evidenced by Round 45 of DTM assessments (June 2023) identified 2,075,257 returnees in the region. Recognizing the growing number of returnees, the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM)/Shelter and NFI and Protection sectors, including the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA),  National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), Nigeria Red Cross Society (NRCS), and other key partners deemed it necessary to assess the future intentions (within the next 12 months) of individuals in displacement areas to provide appropriate solution interventions. The DTM of the IOM Nigeria Mission, with the support of the partners, led the Intention Survey (IS) in Gombe State (including the other five states of the north-east) to assess IDPs who wish to return to their place of origin, locally integrate at their current location of displacement or relocate to another part of the state (LGA), within or outside the country.